Well ladies, you can jog around the park or you can choose from the many ways to shape up by checking out these 10 most popular workouts from Tania Wee ( www.herworld.com.my)
This consists of a series of 26 postures conducted in a room heated to a minimum of 41 degrees Celsius.
Pros: The heated room allows for better stretching. Founder Yogiraj Bikram says this minimises cramps and injuries. Your body also detoxifi es through sweating.
Suitable for: Just about anyone of any gender and age looking to detox and rejuvenate, inside and out. Sessions range from beginner to advanced levels.
Cons: Due to the heated room, it’s best to check on safety with a doctor especially if you’re in your fi rst trimester of pregnancy or have heart problems.
Get this at: True Fitness (www.truefitness. com.my) and True Group (www.bikramoriginalhotyoga.com)
This consists of functional movements and utilising the body with free weights and props, and less of machines. The exercises are done in short, high-intensity routines.
Pros: Simple everyday exercise moves such as pull-ups, squats, gymnastic drills and kettle-work. This is conducted in a fastpaced, all-rounded routine that works out the whole body in terms of stamina, muscle build-up and fl exibility.
Suitable for: According to Body Express Gym founder, Harrison Jub, the regime can be tailored to everyone’s fi tness’s levels and just about anyone of any gender and age can benefit from it.
Cons: If you are a beginner, the Spartan Workout can be challenging and daunting. Without professional guidance, participants can injure themselves too.
Get this at: Body Express Gym (www. bodyexpress.com.my)
Usually a one-hour dance workout, it consists of Latin and hip-hop moves combined with cardiovascular exercises. Unlike most dance choreography, it uses repetitive moves that are fast and heartpumping but easy to follow.
Pros: It allows muscles a good overall workout. The pace also increases stamina.
Suitable for: Dance-lovers looking for a fun way to lose weight and tone up.
Cons: “It focuses less on strength but more on stamina, coordination and toning,” advises exercise physiologist Becky Williamson. As there are a lot of pivoting and leg movements, Zumba can be tricky for anyone with knee or lower back issues.
Get this at: Sole to Soul Studio (soletosouldance.blogspot.com)
Using a system of ropes that make up the suspension training, users have to work against their own body weight. Your body and gravity work as resistance for the various exercise moves done on the suspension straps.
Pros: Throughout the various moves, this workout basically uses every part of your body in each movement.
Suitable for: Anyone ranging from novice to regulars. It is flexible enough that most can use it for any practice – from the easiest to the seemingly impossible.
Cons: Those with rehabilitating injuries and past spine, hip or shoulder injuries should check with their doctors before trying out the TRX. They should also inform their instructors of their physical condition.
Get this at: Chi-Fitness (www.chifitness.com) and Fitness Malaysia (www.fitmalaysia.com)
This is actually a workout machine that emits vibrations to stimulate the body’s natural response to sudden, quick and short movements. PowerPlate trainer and founder of BodyTone Wellness Studio, Ooi Ann Ann, says each vibration forces the body to perform involuntary reflex muscle contractions 30 to 50 times per second.
Pros: It builds muscles, reduces body fat and lessens
cellulite in short sessions, three times a week.
Suitable for: Even the physically challenged can use this machine under the supervision of a certified trainer. It does not put a strain on the joints.
Cons: As it focuses on muscle refl ex, it does not increase your stamina and fl exibility in the long run. Get this at: BodyTone Wellness Studio is the sole authorised centre for PowerPlate in Malaysia. (www.bodytone.com.my)
An ever-popular fitness regime, pole dancing is a workout that combines dancing and gymnastics with a vertical pole.
Pros: Pole dancing improves the core and general body strength by using the body as resistance and in the process, tones the body. It also empowers women by building their self confidence and allowing them to feel more comfortable in their skin.
Suitable for: Women who want to feel good about themselves while getting a workout. Also suitable for women who are adventurous in the bedroom!
Cons: As the right type of pole is required, it is not advisable to try the advanced moves at home without the guidance of an instructor.
Get this at: Viva vertical (vivavertical.com) and Bobbi Pole Studio (www.bobbispolestudio.com.au)
This workout features four different dance styles to suit you – Insanity, Seduce, Flavor and Raw – ranging from modern hip hop to classical cha-cha.
Pros: It’s never boring as all routines are designed to target various areas of your body and wellbeing while letting you have fun. You’ll fi nd that not only your physical strength improves but also your mental capability to execute the moves.
Suitable for: As the dances use simple and easy-to-follow choreography, experienced dancers and non-dancers will have no trouble keeping up during classes.
Cons: It really depends on your memorising and coordination skills. Those who can pick up the moves fast will benefit most from these workouts.
Get this at: Celebrity Fitness (www.celebrityfitness.com)
Pilates concentrates on posture, core strength, joint mobility and muscle strength. Breathing and spine alignment are also emphasised.
Pros: “As each move is designed to target different body muscles, you get to focus on the area which you want to tone up and strengthen,” pilates instructor of Pilatique Pilates Studios, Melissa Wong, says.
Suitable for: It’s recommended for those with worn-out knees and other injuries as it’s low impact and can be adjusted to a person’s fi tness level.
Cons: As pilates is an aerobic exercise, you don’t burn as many calories as you do running. But you do build muscles which in turn burns more calories.
Get this at: Pilatique Pilates Studios (www.pilatique.com) and Celebrity Fitness (www.celebrityfitness.com)
Designed by Cirque du Soleil and Reebok, JUKARI Fit to Fly is an exercise regime for women that allows you to strengthen your body via cardio, strength, training while in mid-air.
Pros: According to Reebok’s head of women products, Katrin Ley, your body gets to lengthen and stretch as each Jukari move is designed to allow a full-body workout. Participants get to enhance their coordination, flexibility and muscle toning.
Suitable for: Women looking for a fun and unusual means of toning up their body.
Cons: Coordination is required to get all the benefi ts of a session as the trapeze bar can be a bit challenging to manoeuvre, but it comes with practice.
Get this at: Chi-Fitness (www.chi-fitness.com)
Made popular worldwide by singer Shakira, the belly dance is a non-impact exercise that uses a lot of body isolation.
Pros: The use of body isolation increases the flexibility of the torso and aids in preventing osteoporosis. The hip movements strengthen the legs and back muscles. Dancing with props like veils helps build strength and stamina in the upper body, arms and shoulders.
Suitable for: Anyone of any age and size interested to increase their flexibility and lose the fl ab around the midriff area.
Cons: It takes time and practice before the results are obvious. As the concept focuses on your muscle reflex, it does not increase your stamina and fl exibility in the long run.
Get this at: Mystical Moves (www.mysticalmoves.com) and Sole to Soul Studio (soletosouldance.blogspot.com)
Out of 10 workout from the above, I was doing 4 of them, what about you? Enjoy......
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