Monday, September 17, 2012

Exercises for a Flatter Stomach

Almost everyone would enjoy having a flatter stomach. This is why some people spend hours at the gym working out their abs. Your abdominal muscles are your core and having strong abs does more than just look good, a strong core makes every activity easier.  Try out these exercises that will help strengthen your core and flatten your stomach.


Cross Toe Touching

Cross toe touching is a fairly simple exercise that you can do to get a flatter. To begin, stand up straight with your legs spread apart. Now, raise your arms so that they are pointing straight out towards your sides. While keeping your stomach tight, take your left hand and touch it towards your right toe. Come back up and then switch: use your right hand to touch your left toe. This is considered one set and you should do it ten times.

Oblique Twist

In order to perform this exercise, you should be in a standing position while keeping your feet spread about shoulder width apart. Now, take your right knee and rotate to the right then return to your original position. Switch legs and do the same thing. The reason this exercise works is because you are keeping your abdominal muscles tight and working them out as you perform the twisting motion.

Scissor Kicks

Scissor kicks are one of the more popular abdominal exercises out there. It basically involves lying down on your back, placing your hands under your buttocks, and then lifting your legs off of the ground at a 45-degree angle. For this exercise, make sure that you are keeping your legs straight. And then scissor your legs up and down in an opposite motion while keep your stomach tight. For even better results, remove your hands from under your buttocks and simply place them on the floor.

Leg Circles

For leg circles, you’ll want to get into the same position as if you were doing scissor kicks. However, instead of scissoring your legs up and down, you’ll simply want to rotate them in a circular motion. Make sure that your circles are large and make sure that they are slow. Focusing on this will allow you to get a much better workout. Once you’re tired, drop your legs and take a break. Repeat this process five to ten times per session.

Side Dips

Side dips tend to focus on the sides of your stomach and will make them flatter. And the good part is that this exercise is relatively simple to perform. For this one you will need a weight, preferably a dumbbell. To start the exercise, hold the weight in your right hand and stand up straight with your feet spread apart at about shoulder’s length. While keeping your head straight and abdominal muscles tight, dip your upper body down and to the right. Come back up. That is considered one rep. You should be doing ten reps on both arms for maximum effect.

Hip Lifts

In order to do this exercise, you’ll need to start by lying down on your back. Be sure that your arms are placed by your side and that they are facing forward. Next, you’ll need to keep your knees straight while raising your legs to about a 90-degree angle. Now, tighten you abdominal muscles. As you do this, lift your hips up off of the ground by a few inches. Hold this position for a few seconds and then rest. Continue this process until you get tired.

Leg Raises

This is another powerful exercise that you can do to achieve a flatter stomach. Similar to the first exercise, you’ll want to begin by lying down on your back. Place your hands underneath you and then cross your legs so that they connect at a 45-degree angle above the ground. Once you raise them, you may feel some pressure on your back. This is normal. Hold this position for as long as you can and then rest.


Planking is a great example of an abdominal exercise. Not only will it help you get a flatter stomach, but it will also build your core muscles and make them stronger. To begin, get into a push-up position and only hold your body up by your elbows and toes. Keep your body as straight as possible. Now, tighten your abs and hold this position for at least thirty seconds. If your schedule permits it, try to do planks three to four times per day.

Chair Lift

To do this exercise, find a chair without arms and a straight back. Grab the sides of the chair while tightening your abs. Make sure that your hands are slightly further in front of your hips. Make sure that you are using your hands because they will help provide support as you pull your knees in towards your chest. Try to get your knees as high as you can. Hold this position and then slowly lower them back down. Repeat this process three to four times.


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