demanding children, and sometimes end up splurging and spoiling your kids with the most interesting(most costly) toys? Then the toys accumulate and become the store room collection......

We forget about the simple things in life, but we can be reminded of it as children grow up valuing the moments more than tangible material possessions. Don't let your child collect relics of unwanted toys, but special memories that they will always carry with them.
Let's try it out......
* Bubble Brew *
2/3 cup liquid dish washing soap
4 cups warm water
1 tablespoon glycerin
Pour the water into a large bowl. Add the
liquid dish washing soap and stir.
Add the glycerin and stir a bit more. Dip objects with holes, like a clean fly
swatter, into the brew and blow all the bubbles you want!!
Important : Adult supervision and participation is required for this activity

* Baking Soda Play Clay *
1 cup cornstarch
2 cups baking soda
1 -1/4 cups water
Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring
constantly for about 15 minutes. When the mixture begins to look and feel
like mashed potatoes, remove from the stove. Put the clay in a large bowl
and allow to cool. After it has cooled, dig into it! Make shapes and creatures.
Decorate with sticks and other small objects. Place all your creations on a
cooling rack for about 24 hours to harden. After drying, use acrylic tube
paints to make colourful creations.

1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup small soap pieces
1 1/2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tablespoon water
Recycle leftover soap slivers from your
sink,shower, or tub. Place soap slivers in a plastic bag, and pound
them into little chunks. Place the chunks in a blender, adding oatmeal,
and pulse until mixture has a grainy consistency. Pour into a
bowl and remove any oversized chunks of soap.
Add the oil and water and mix with your hands. Form into a firm ball
and let set until hard(about 2-3 hours). For a pumice-like soap, use
sornmeal instead of oatmeal. Experiment with different grains and textures.
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