Monday, September 23, 2013

The rules of a healthy hair

Want to look like you just walked out of a salon every single day? Well you’re going to need healthy, shiny hair to achieve that. And we’re going to show you how to get it.

Your hair is what you eat

Your hair is really reflected in your diet. So if you want healthy hair avoid eating junk food like it’s going out of fashion. Foods that are low in nutrients, such as fast food, highly processed foods, or foods low in fruits and vegetables, will have very little if any help in health of your hair. Instead, eating foods that contain sulphuric amino acids such as beef, chicken, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, liver, milk and sardines. 

Be prepared to invest in the maintenance of your hair

Just like your car needs regular maintenance to zip along nicely, so does your hair.  You can encourage your hair to grow healthier by having regular haircuts to keep the ends healthy, have regular treatments done and be prepared to use professional products on your hair.

Different hair lengths require different maintenance

If you have shorter hair then great, you won’t need to do as much as it’s cut more regularly. Using a nourishing professional shampoo, conditioner and treatment to help keep it healthy between cuts. Long hair is a little trickier, as the longer the hair, the older the hair. Also using a hair oil on the mid-lengths and ends before using styling products will help re-nourish and replenish long hair and make it more manageable.

Be careful with overheating and processing your hair

Ironically hair straighteners and dryers may help your hair look great but they’re also your worst enemy when trying to grow healthy hair. A couple of the most damaging things you can do to your hair is over ironing or over blow waving it without using heat protection in the hair. Over colouring hair can also damage and dry it out so it’s important to use good quality professional products to help maintain your colour, help repair it and keep it looking in great condition.


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