High levels of blood cholesterol greatly increase one's risk of heart disease. One of the most important determinants of blood cholesterol levels is fat in the diet - specifically the types of fat consumed. Some types of fat are good for cholesterol levels and others are bad. Saturated fat and trans fats are the main dietary factors that raise blood cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol plays an essential role in the formation of cell membranes, some hormones and vitamin D. However, if cholesterol levels in the blood are too high, this can lead to the artery-clogging process known as atherosclerosis, which can eventually lead to a heart attack.
Here are five ways to reduce your cholesterol levels......
- Reduce saturated and trans fats: Trans fats have a double-whammy effect of increasing LDL and lowering HDLs. Examples of saturated and trans fats are butter, margarine, full-fat dairy, fats on meat, greasy takeaway foods and vegetable oils.
- Include unsaturated fats: When eaten in moderation as part of a low-saturated-fat diet, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats lower total and LDL cholesterol and raise HDLs. Examples include fish, olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado and nuts and seeds.
- Increase fibre: Fibre is important for lowering cholesterol levels. Examples include wholegrains, wheat and oat bran, psyllium husks, fruit, vegies and legumes.
- Eat garlic: Garlic has a cholesterol-lowering effect.
- Eat lecithin granules: Lecithin (derived from soy beans) helps dissolve fat and cholesterol. Sprinkle one tablespoon on breakfast cereal, salads or in smoothies.
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