Saturday, September 14, 2013

The reasons you're tired

Struggling to get out of bed in the morning? It may be a cause you’ve never suspected that’s easily remedied.

1. You're under-stressed

We all know stress can lead to fatigue, but research shows being too laid-back can also make you tired. In short bursts, stress not only stimulates you, it helps boost your immune system. Try an activity that takes you out of your comfort zone.

2. You're buzzed

Using a mobile phone an hour before bed may interfere with sleep patterns and lead to less time in the deeper sleep stages. Keep electronic gadgets out of the bedroom.

3. You're dehydrated

Dehydration reduces your blood volume, making your heart work harder so you feel tired. You should drink 30 millilitres of water a day for every kilo you weigh.

4. You're out of balance

When your body is out of balance it puts stress on isolated areas. This places pressure on organs such as liver and kidneys, which can be draining. So make sure your lifestyle is healthy.

5. Your liver is lacklustre

The liver is the main detoxifying organ in our body. If it’s overwhelmed or working incorrectly, your body will feel sluggish, achy and lethargic.
Good liver foods include artichokes, beetroot, broccoli, garlic and onion.

6. You lack vitamin C

Vitamin C is critical when you are fatigued as a result of prolonged stress, illness or surgery. Adrenal glands generally support us in times of stress, but they need vitamin C to keep fatigue at bay.

The recommended daily intake for adults is 45 milligrams (up to 60 milligrams when pregnant and 85 milligrams while breastfeeding). Good sources include apples, broccoli, berries, asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, fortified foods, dark leafy greens and tomatoes. For example, eat one banana (10.3 milligrams), one apple (12 milligrams) and one tomato (25 milligrams) a day.

7. You need magnesium

Low magnesium levels are one of the most overlooked nutrient deficiencies and often result in symptoms similar to chronic fatigue syndrome.
Magnesium becomes depleted by excess alcohol and the oral contraceptive pill.

Adults need 320 to 420 milligrams of magnesium a day. Try six Brazil nuts (107 milligrams), 100 grams tuna (64 milligrams), a cup plain yoghurt (42 milligrams), half a cup broccoli (16 milligrams), one corn cob (31 milligrams) and a cup of green beans (99 milligrams).

8. Your alarm clock is wrong

Having the same waking time each day is more important than the time you go to bed, as it communicates the end of your sleep cycle to your brain and body.
This is why sleeping in for more than an hour on the weekend can make you feel jetlagged. The perfect waking time? According to research, 7.22am is ideal.

9. Your thyroid is underactive

Your thyroid sets your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn food). If you are tired, sensitive to cold, forgetful and have gained weight, ask your doctor for a thyroid test.

10. You're exercising too much

Exercise releases serotonin and adenosine, which help regulate sleep rhythms.
Too little exercise and you miss out on these. But too much, particularly at night, can lead to higher stress levels. Exercise elevates the stress hormone cortisol, leaving you tired.
Steer clear of alcohol after exercise and have a routine to set your body up for sleep.


More than tired? It may be due to…

Chronic fatigue syndrome
If you’ve been worn out for more than six months without reason, see your GP. Other symptoms of chronic fatigue include a constant sore throat, muscle or joint pain and headaches.

Coeliac disease
Check your symptoms aren’t caused by coeliac disease, which is often misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome.

Anaemia occurs when the level of oxygen-carrying haemoglobin in red blood cells drops below normal. The body has to work harder to get oxygen to organs. Get a blood test to confirm the diagnosis.

One of the main symptoms of depression – particularly post-natal depression - is tiredness. Speak to your GP or a counsellor for help.

Sleep apnoea
Do you snore each night? Sleep apnoea – caused when you stop breathing or breathe shallowly and the walls of the throat come together and block off the upper airway – is a major factor in tiredness, no matter how many hours of sleep you manage to get a night. You can get yourself tested at a sleep clinic.

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