Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to deal with flatulence

Some people are proud of it; others go to great lengths to contain it. Yet there is no denying everyone does it. Wind is an embarrassing gastrointestinal phenomenon we all face daily. The issue recently caused a stink in Malawi where a politician, who later retracted his statement, suggest flatulence become a crime under air pollution laws. But we can hardly help it, can we? After all, it’s natural. Flatulence is a digestive condition that occurs as a result of an excessive build-up of stomach and intestinal gas. Such a build-up causes fullness and bloating, along with possible stomach pain. The pressure is naturally relieved through the passage of gas from the rectum or through the mouth by burping.

What's normal?

Studies show that on average, women pass gas seven times a day and men about 12 times. Anything between three and 32 in a day is within the normal range. Dr Terry Bolin, Gut Foundation president and gastroenterologist, says the discrepancy between the sexes is probably more to do with social graces than anything else. "Women are more socially conscious and more likely to try to hold it in," he says. "But often, men eat more than women and this could also play a part."

The diet connection to flatulence

At the end of the day, it all comes down to the fact that what you put in affects what gets expelled. Simply put, fibre equals flatulence. As health professionals encourage people, particularly the elderly, to embrace a diet that is high in fibre, flatulence becomes an issue. While fibre is an essential component in any diet, Bolin acknowledges there are some foods you can afford to eat in moderation when trying to control bouts of flatulence. Beans have a bad reputation and rightly so. Bolin says the fibre found in vegetables such as brussels sprouts, cabbage, leeks, garlic, broccoli and fried onion can also cause wind.

Prime offenders

Most gas is simply a matter of volume, as in quantity not loudness. However, there are certain foods that prompt more noxious results. "Foods with sulfur in them are more likely to produce a smelly gas," Bolin says.
If this poses a persistent, not to mention embarrassing, problem, Bolin advises cutting down on foodstuffs such as long-life fruit juices, dried fruit, eggs and cauliflower. Other digestive delinquents to watch out for are meats, particularly preserved varieties such as salami or pepperoni. Then there are aerated items, such as sponge cakes, whipped cream, soft drinks and beer. The air that is incorporated into these during manufacturing has to go somewhere during digestion and flatulence is often the result. "The best diet principle to follow here is 'anything in moderation'," Bolin says.

What you can do

When considering dietary changes, it is important to note that different people are susceptible to different foods. Health experts recommend eliminating potentially offending foods and gradually reintroducing them one at a time to help identify which ones affect you. For many, breaking wind is merely a mild awkwardness, but for others the pressure it causes in the stomach can be persistently uncomfortable. How you eat can be just as important as what you eat when it comes to countering unwanted eruptions. Accidentally swallowing air is a culprit for flatulence and can be reduced by eating or drinking slowly.

Aside from diet and eating adjustments, there are a few other natural treatment options for gas. Some research suggests fennel absorbs excess gas and prevents the pressure build-up that prompts flatulence. Peppermint tea, ginger and products such as Mintec, Charcotabs and De-Gas are also helpful in easing the discomfort.

Many people, particularly the elderly and women who have had children, lack the ability to stop gas, but Bolin says this is probably for the best. "Holding it in can lead to bloating," he says. "Twenty per cent of the female population suffers severely from bloating, so it's better not to hold gas in, particularly if constipated."


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