Sunday, September 8, 2013

Look good at the gym

So you're making the effort towards staying in shape by joining the gym, and you want to look your best while doing it, right? Plus you never know who you might run into after that yoga class, so here's how to make sure you look your best while working out.

Clean sweep

Firstly, ensure you have a clean face before you start a workout. Your skin can also get dry when you exercise, so protect it with a good moisturiser.
It's important to boost your skin's moisture before working out. A hydrating toner or booster is good, but avoid using anything too heavy.
You need a water-based, water-soluble, non-comedogenic moisturiser, because it won't clog pores and cause breakouts. If you're wearing a thick moisturiser, once you start sweating it will feel sticky on your face.

Don't grin and bare it

A little make-up when you're working out is fine. Just keep it simple. A light tinted moisturiser is ideal. Keep your hair away from your face while exercising, as your skin can get irritated by the oils and products in your hair. Tie it up in a ponytail, pull it into a neat bun or invest in a few cute hairbands.

Create a post-workout ritual

Always shower and cleanse after a visit to the gym, to rinse off the sweat and toxins you've accumulated. Facial wipes are handy, but avoid any that contain alcohol or that are highly fragrant, because they could irritate the skin.
Post-shower, pop on tinted moisturiser with an SPF, slick on some clear lip gloss and a few coats of mascara and you're ready to face the world.


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