WORKS: outer thighs, hips and glutes
A. Stand with feet hip-width apart and the tubing under the middle of your shoes. Grip the tubing’s handles and lift them to shoulder height, elbows tucked in close to your body, palms facing in.
B. (Pictured) Keeping wrists straight, step your right foot a little to the right until your feet are slightly wider than hip-width apart. Do a squat.
C. Stand up and return right foot to the starting position. Alternate right and left sides for 30 reps. For more intensity, do 15 reps on one side of the body, then repeat on the opposite side.
WORKS: core, back of shoulders, mid and upper back
A. Sit on the fl oor with legs in front of you, knees slightly bent, feet hip-width apart. Lean back slightly, keeping your back straight. Place the middle of the tubing around the soles of both feet so it touches the outside edges of your shoes. Hold the tubing’s right handle in your left hand, and vice versa, creating an “X” shape.
B. (Pictured) Draw your abs up and in to engage your core. Bend arms and raise to 90°, with palms down and elbows pointed out. Pull the handles away from your feet in a rowing motion until your elbows move slightly behind your ribcage. Keep elbows slightly lower than shoulders throughout. Return to starting position. Perform 12 to 15 reps.
WORKS: core and front of upper arms
A. Stand on the middle of the tubing, feet hip-width apart with a handle in each hand.
B. (Pictured) With arms at your sides, rotate palms to face forward. Curl your arms up, keeping elbows close to your body and wrists straight as you pull the tubing up until your palms face your shoulders. Keep abs tight and be careful not to lean backwards as you pull.
C. Slowly return to starting position; resist letting the tubing pull your arms down and lower with control. Perform 12 to 15 reps.
WORKS: abs, chest, shoulders and backs of upper arms
A. Place tubing across your back and just below your underarms. Get into a push-up position on your knees (or, for more intensity, on your toes). Hold each end of the tubing just below the handles and ensure it’s placed where your thumbs meet your hands. Place hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
B. (Pictured) Bend arms to 90°, lowering your torso towards the fl oor in a push-up; keep abs tight and back straight. Look down at the fl oor, keeping neck straight.
C. Straighten your arms, lifting yourself back up to the starting position against the tubing’s resistance. Perform 12 to 15 reps.
WORKS: core and shoulders
A. Stand with feet hip-width apart. With left hand at your side, hold one end of tubing in left hand, and step on tubing with your left foot, holding the other handle with your right hand. Place your right arm at your side so the tubing extends loosely across your body from left foot to right hand.
B. (Pictured) Lift right arm away from body until it’s parallel to the fl oor (keep hand at shoulder height or a bit lower), palm facing down, wrist straight and elbow slightly bent.
C. Return slowly to starting position. Perform 12 to 15 reps, then switch sides.
WORKS: core and glutes
A. Make a small loop with the tubing by threading some through one handle. Place the loop around your left ankle. Stand in front of a wall for balance, and position your right foot slightly in front of your left. Step onto the tubing with your right foot (about 30cm from your left foot) and loosely hold the remaining tubing in your right hand.
B. (Pictured) Place your left hand on the wall for balance and tighten your abs. Lift your left foot off the fl oor, rotating your toes out about 45 degrees. Slowly extend your left leg behind you, keeping it straight. When the tubing is pulled as far as it can go, hold your leg in that position and squeeze your glutes for three seconds.
C. Return slowly to starting position. Perform 12 to 15 reps, then switch sides.
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