Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to correct these common errors in your workout


Error - Rounding of the lower back
Fix it - Instead of looking at the ground, keep your head up and your bum down


Military Press

Error - Leaning back and using the lower back muscles
Fix it - Soften your knees and tuck under the bar as it travels upwards



Error - Pushing knees forward at start of the descent and limiting squat depth
Fix it - Start the squat by pushing your hips back to a target – such as a box or chair – to gently touch as a point of consistency. This ensures proper depth and emphasis on the entire posterior chain



Error - Letting the shoulders do all of the work
Fix it - Straighten your  arms and purposely contract the bicep with each repetition


Hanging Leg Raises

Error - Simply bending your knees and lifting your legs up.
Fix it - Instead, imagine scooping your hips up and forward


Bench Press

Error - Uneven ascent of the bar causing the bar to potentially tip to one side
Fix it - Make sure your grip width is even and squeeze the bar to ensure your hands stay in the proper place. Retract your shoulder blades and push the bar from the centre of your chest to a point directly in a straight line instead of going back towards the head.


Chin Up

Error - Stopping the exercise at the level of the eyes instead of the chin, which marks a full range of motion
Fix it - Generate speed out of the bottom of the chin up by aiming to pull your chest through the bar and hold on top for one second. Perform this exercise explosively on the way up and control the descent


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