Freshly squeezed lemon juice in water can help flush the liver of accumulated toxins and reduce congestion in the gallbladder. Not only are you hydrating after a long night’s rest, you’re aiding proper organ function, too. A healthy liver and gallbladder is key to the digestion of fats.
We’re all breathing, but some of us could be doing a much more efficient job of it. The benefits of doing so are immense. Deep breathing through exercise, yoga or meditation helps the lungs to bring in oxygen and flush out carbon dioxide and other impurities. It also helps the mind to focus on eating well and revs up the body’s metabolism so it can digest all the healthy foods you are about to take in.
3. Avoid Processed Foods
4. Take a Coffee Break
If you’re drinking more than four cups of coffee a day you’re drinking too much. The more caffeine you consume, the more stress you put on the adrenal glands, which help regulate metabolism and blood pressure. If you can’t trade your morning americano for herbal tea just yet, than slowly reduce your consumption—try substituting caffeinated tea for coffee to ease the transition—and make sure you’re drinking the best-quality coffee available. Really savour that cup, drink it in a mindful way. Don’t just drink it while you’re multitasking at your computer.
Reduce your exposure to antibiotics and the chemicals involved in industrial processing by avoiding most commercially raised meat and poultry and choosing organic, who stresses the importance of good protein to build and repair tissues. It’s more expensive, but it’s healthier and as you’ll soon find out, far more flavorful.
6. Fill Half Your Plate at Each Meal with Either Fruit or Vegetables
Aim to eat seven to 10 servings of vegetables a day, with an emphasis on leafy greens—kale, bok choy, cabbage, spinach, arugula—and nutrient-dense options such as sweet potato, squash, carrots and cucumbers. Add three to four servings of raw fruits, such as blueberries, apples, papayas and pears.
Alcohol isn’t just high in calories. When consumed in excess it also puts a strain on the body, particularly the organs of the brain and liver. Give both a break by eliminating alcohol from your diet for one week. If that’s too extreme, reducing your intake to meet recommended servings: one alcoholic beverage a day for women and two for men. And like coffee, when you do indulge in a drink, make sure it’s a high quality wine or beer.
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