Occasionally, bad breath is due to something in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract, or to a systemic infection. Some health problems, such as sinus infections or diabetes, can also cause bad breath. And sometimes it just comes down to what you ate for dinner.
Brush and Floss

Regardless, there are a few things you can do to beat the bad breath caused by germs. Start by keeping your mouth clean: Your food supply is their food supply. Although you can try to kill bacteria with mouthwash, this is only a temporary solution. The bacteria will grow back over time. Your best defense is to brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, and floss once a day. This will help remove the food trapped between your teeth, as well as the food trapped in the gum line. Otherwise, both of these areas would provide breeding grounds for bacteria. If food particles are left to linger, bad breath is imminent.
Clean Your Tongue
Scientists suspect that some bacteria, particularly bacteria located on the top of your tongue closest to your throat, actually protect against foul-smelling breath. Other types of bacteria, however, produce a pungent odor as they multiply. What does this research mean for you? The type of bacteria most prevalent on your tongue could mean the difference between good and bad breath. Unfortunately, researchers don't yet know how to tip the bacterial balance so that you'll always have naturally sweet-smelling breath.

Wet Your Whistle
You've had a good night's sleep, a treasure topped only by the chance to awaken leisurely as the morning sun streams in through your bedroom window. As you stretch your arms and legs and decide finally to roll out of bed, you relish this perfect morning -- until you get a whiff of your own breath, that is.

Unfortunately, "morning breath" is a misnomer. Your mouth can become dry during the day, too. And a dry mouth -- whether it's at midnight or noon -- can quickly cause bad breath. You need plenty of saliva because it helps clean your mouth; it's naturally antibacterial, and it washes away food particles. Banish morning breath by brushing your teeth, cleaning your tongue and rinsing with mouthwash. To keep your saliva flowing throughout the day, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. You also could stimulate saliva production by sucking on a mint or chewing gum, but these are only temporary solutions.
Don't Rely on Mints

It's also possible that your bad breath is caused by a medical condition, not just the bacteria in your mouth, and a mint definitely won't replace a visit to the doctor. Although mouth odor is often associated with gum disease or tooth decay, it can occasionally signal health problems such as respiratory or sinus infections, bronchitis, diabetes or malfunctions of the liver or kidney.
If checkups with your dentist and physician don't reveal an undiagnosed medical condition, and if you're cleaning your teeth and tongue on a regular basis, the culprit could be as close as your dinner plate.
Know the Culinary Culprits
The foods you eat can exert a lot of influence on the way your breath smells.
You probably expect some foods to give you bad breath, such as garlic or onions. But some bad-breath culprits may surprise you. Take meat, for example. Meat particles are known for sticking around, even after you've swallowed your bite of steak and washed it down with a gulp of water. These meat particles collect at the gumline, get stuck between teeth, and sometimes work their way under fillings or crowns -- and are especially attractive to reproducing bacteria.

Rinse After Eating and Drinking

Even if you don't want to avoid your morning latte, you can still freshen your breath by doing one simple thing: Rinse your mouth with plain water after drinking it. This will help rebalance your mouth's pH levels. Rinsing with water also works after meals -- no matter what you've eaten. Swishing the water around may help remove some of the food particles left in the mouth after a meal and prevent bad breath from setting in.
Use Nature's Cures

Mint, parsley, basil, cilantro and dill temporarily mask offending oral odors because they release scented essential oils when chewed or crushed. While these herbs offer a quick solution to rancid breath, they also contain high levels of chlorophyll that can provide long-term benefits.
Chlorophyll is the green pigment that allows plants to photosynthesize energy from light. It can also help neutralize internal body odors, thereby reducing the smells that emanate from the body -- including bad breath. If you aren't interested in chewing on fresh herbs or steeping them to make a tea, you can ingest concentrated chlorophyll either as tablets or sublingual drops (which are drops placed under the tongue for absorption).
Eat to Smell Sweet
There are certain foods that smell good -- and that make your breath smell good, too. Take fruits high in vitamin C, for example. Melons, berries and citrus fruits such as oranges are packed with vitamin C, something that doesn't sit well with the bacteria in your mouth. Instead of continuing to reproduce, the bacteria will begin to die. And the more C-laden fruits you eat, the more oral germs you'll kill.

Raw apple slices may be a great way to end a meal and get your breath back on track, but there's one after-dinner ritual that's bad for your mouth.
Skip the Cigarettes
Not only do cigarettes release a cocktail of chemicals into the mouth, but they also cause a host of other problems.

Visit Your Dentist
You haven't eaten garlic in six months, you've given up acidic drinks and you end each meal by eating a raw apple instead of a sugary dessert. But you still have bad breath, and you're still wondering what to do about it.
Unfortunately, one of the most common causes of persistent bad breath is also one of the most overlooked: a lack of regularly scheduled visits to your dentist. For most, twice a year should suffice. For others who experience tartar buildup more quickly, four times a year may be necessary.

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