Friday, August 31, 2012

Aloe Vera......use it !

Ways To Use Aloe Vera, you can try also ...

1. Pamper yourself to a soothing body rub. Slice aloe leaves 
    lengthwise and use the inner sides as a biodegradable body scrub
    in the shower.

2. Treat burns from minor mishaps in the kitchen—from grease 
    splatters or hot utensils.

3. For more major kitchen mishaps like a scald, mix some aloe gel
    and vitamin E oil into a little jar for a homemade burn healer.

4. Banish black and blue bruises by swapping on the good goo.

5. Soothe and heal sunburns the feel-good way. Aloe contains cooling properties
    similar to menthol.

6. Take the sting or itch out of insect bites.

7. Reduce tissue damage from frostbite.

8. Alleviate mysterious rashes.

9. Make feet baby soft with an exfoliating foot mask by mixing together a half cup of
    oatmeal, a half cup of corn meal, four tbsp. of aloe vera gel and a half cup of 
    unscented body lotion.

10. Help heal herpes outbreaks.

11. Fight Athlete's Foot.

12. Swab over blisters for quick relief.

13. Use as an antidote to allergic skin reactions.

14. Replace creams and lotions as a general
      moisturizer for dry skin. Aloe is fast absorbing!

15. Prevent pesky pimples and treat acne.

16. Soothe Psoriasis.

17. Prevent scarring and stretch marks.

18. Help rid of Rosacea.

19. Shrink warts.

20. Reverse signs of aging skin and wrinkles. Cleopatra did!

21. Help eliminate Eczema.

22. Brighten skin. Aloe can decrease pigmentation and dark spots.

23. Make skin new again with an exfoliating, organic sugar scrub by mixing together
      two tbsp. of aloe vera, 2 tbsp. of organic brown sugar and 1 tsp. of organic lemon

24. For rougher patches mix together an organic salt skin scrub using two cups of sea
      salt, one cup of aloe vera, one cup of organic coconut oil and two tbsp. of local,
      organic honey.

25. Speed up hair growth by massaging aloe into
      the scalp, letting it sit for 30 minutes,
      and rinsing.

26. Reduce hair dandruff by mixing aloe vera
      juice with coconut milk and wheat germ
      oil. Massage into scalp and rinse.

27. Replace aloe with conditioner for
      silkier, smoother hair.

28. Remove eye makeup.

29. Treat minor vaginal irritations.

30. Drink aloe vera juice to relieve
      gastrointestinal disorders like

31. Sip it to aid in elimination. Many times, it's
      recommended for its laxative effects.

32. Take a swig to reduce symptoms of irritable
      bowel syndrome including bloating and discomfort.

33. Take aloe orally to relieve heartburn, arthritis and rheumatism pain.

34. Boil leaves in a pan of water and breathe in the vapor to alleviate asthma.

35. Drink to lower blood sugar levels—especially for diabetics.

36. Strengthen gums and promote strong, healthy teeth by taking orally or use
      toothpaste with aloe vera ingredients.

37. Drink to help ease congestion, stomach
      ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids, urinary tract
      infections and prostate problems.

38. Take orally to reduce cholesterol and
      triglycerides for a healthy heart.

39. Sip to minimize inflammation and infection
      of the eye and ear.

40. Toast to its general detoxifier and health
      boosting qualities!

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