Lung diseases trigger
Among all lung troubles, studies show that Asthma seems to lead the way for a huge chunk of the population. Asthma is a medical condition in which the respiratory airways leading to the lungs swell causing constriction in the airway resulting in breathing problems. The most common indicators of asthma are difficulty in breathing, chest congestion, discomfort, wheezing and even chronic sneezing in some cases. As the airways swell, the muscles in the specific area constrict causing lack of air traveling to the lungs. These asthmatic break outs are set off by allergens or substances which cause these allergic kinds of reactions.
There are numerous varieties of allergens that people face on a daily basis which may trigger the lung troubles. The commonly identified allergens are dust, pollen, air pollutants, exercise, molds and smoke. However, what remain unknown to a vast majority are the following unexpected and unsuspecting agents which can also induce asthmatic reactions:
based candles are very commonly used in our households, both for decorative as well as for its functional use. These candles are readily available in the markets due to their easy methods of preparation. People these days take on candle making as a hobby in which ready to make paraffin wax candle kits are sold abundantly in shops. However, the fact that on burning, these type of candle emit toluene and benzene loaded smoke which may aggravate asthmatic reactions, especially when used in unventilated spaces for a prolonged period of time.
Gas Appliances
Studies have revealed that the nitrogen dioxide gas emitted from gas appliances like heaters, stoves, burners, etc is a leading cause of asthma in children. It has been estimated that children exposed to the smoke from gas appliances are more likely to develop wheezing, breathing problems, coughing and chest congestion, compared to others without such exposure. This is why it is always advisable to use gas appliances in ventilated areas or near windows.
Exposure to large amounts of flours can be a leading cause of developing asthmatic problems. This is because the flour dust tends to cause acute irritation in the lungs and cause the related problems. It was observed that people who did not have asthma developed breathing problems when working with large quantities of flour such as in bakeries, etc.
The commonly used printers and photocopying machines at work are potent factors for development of asthma among unsuspecting people. Laser printers and large photo copying machines emit thousands of micro particles which enter the airways and cause asthma problems. Even the ink used in printers can pose to be problematic agents for people with asthma or can induce asthma on prolonged exposure.
The grand displays of fireworks during festive occasions are definitely grand and a visual treat. But the after effects of these firecrackers are the emission and expulsion of large amounts of chemicals including sulfur dioxide. These chemicals can easily get into the respiratory airways and cause breathing problems and in extreme cases, sever bouts of asthma.
Modern households consist vastly of plastics in various forms such as shower curtains, carpets, floor mats, toys, disposables, etc. These plastic commodities on gradual decomposition emit phthalates which causes extreme degrees of wheezing, sneezing and elevated breathing problems. These days' plastics are an indispensable part of our daily lives due to which we tend to encounter plastic products at every step. However, staying safe is the key.
As shocking, these are also such things that we tend to face very often in our daily lives. There are numerous times where we inhale a lot of smoke unwillingly but then the after effects of these usually mount to extremes of breathing problems.
Lung troubles are on the rise these days with more and more causative agents that seem to add to the list. The list formulated here is an awareness that even small things can pose to be dangerous when dealt with at varying degrees. Thus, one should always check out the characteristics of such unsuspecting things which might convert to these kinds of serious lung problems.
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