Saturday, November 9, 2013

WHY eating can make you tired and WHY apple cider vinegar aids digestion

Feeling a little tired after eating a heavy meal is perfectly normal. However, if you feel like having a nap after most meals there could be some underlying health problem that needs addressing. When we feel overly tired after eating, it can be related to eating processed foods that contain high levels of sugar and refined carbohydrates. Eating these types of foods causes a rise in blood sugar levels, followed by a drop, which results in low energy levels.

Excessive secretion of insulin, which is the body's way of trying to balance blood sugar levels, causes tryptophan to move into the brain, where it is metabolised into serotonin and melatonin. These neurotransmitters have a calming effect and help regulate sleep. To help balance blood sugar and insulin levels, choose natural foods that are high in fibre and protein such as wholegrains, legumes and nuts.

Other reasons for feeling tired after eating might be related to food allergies or intolerances, which are usually associated with digestive problems such as bloating, indigestion, wind, constipation or diarrhoea. If you suspect you are allergic or intolerant to a certain food try taking it out of your diet for two weeks, and then reintroduce it again. This a good way to identify any offending foods. General overeating and the consumption of particularly fatty meals can leave you feeling sleepy. Having poor digestion can also leave you feeling tired after meals.

Apple cider vinegar aids digestion

Apple cider vinegar, made from fermented apple cider, has been popular since the 1970s as a multi-purpose remedy for improving a variety of different ailments. Taken before each meal, apple cider vinegar is effective for improving digestion and is beneficial for people with digestive problems such as reflux, bloating and indigestion. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which may help aid digestion and improve fat metabolism.
Including apple cider vinegar in the diet may also help stabilise blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for people with diabetes. Apple cider vinegar is also considered alkaline forming, which can help restore a healthy alkaline acid balance in the body. You can either use it to make salad dressings or simply take it with water (one teaspoon) before each meal. Choose an organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar so it retains its nutritional value.


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