Thursday, November 28, 2013

Prevent your brain from getting flabby with these five neuron-boosting techniques

Mental decline typically begins before 40. However, you can slow down the process by following these simple steps.

Scientists have shown that Alzheimer's attacks the brain long before people exhibit memory loss or cognitive decline. Although early testing for dementia is available, it also helps to start prevention techniques now.

1. Shape up

Think how weak and flabby your body gets if you don't exercise. Well, the brain is the same; it needs regular exercise. Unused parts of the brain stop working, so get creative. Take up a new hobby, play games that involve memory (bridge) or thinking laterally (chess), do crosswords and puzzles - anything enjoyable that keeps your brain active.

2. Manage stress

Anxiety and depression affect memory and brain health. Find a therapist to help you deal with issues or find a relaxation technique that works for you.

3. Deep sleep

To stay sharp, it is important that you remedy any poor sleeping habits. Your brain needs good-quality sleep to repair itself and learn new things. Good sleeping habits include going to bed and waking up the same time each day and getting as much sleep as your body needs to feel rested.

4. Eat your salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids may slow the growth of two distinct brain lesions that are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease. Omega-3 fatty acids are also needed for healthy brain function. Good sources of omega-3 include salmon, sardines and walnuts.


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