But they can have negative effects: Consider that a sluggish bowel can retain pounds of old toxic fecal matter. This leads to a vicious cycle that taxes our defense systems and eventually leads to more serious disease.
The following are 10 tips for better digestion (remember to check with your doctor before making any radical changes in your health regimen).
The first top digestion tip, is every morning before breakfast, freshly squeeze the juice of 1 - 2 lemons in 250ml - 500ml of spring or filtered water. This small but effective daily routine will help to cleanse the stomach of left over "debris" and remove any excess acid.
2. Have a Daily Drink Of Apple Cider Vinegar and Apple Juice
Food is digested more efficiently if it's around body temperature; therefore, cold fluid can slow down the digestive processes. If you must drink while eating, try hot water or herbal teas. Caffeine can cause excess production of HCl so should be avoided, as should alcohol.
Have you ever heard of Swedish Bitters? These can usually be obtained online or from good health food stores. The taste of bitter herbs, foods, juices, etc, 20 - 30 minutes before eating will increase digestive function by encouraging the release of digestive enzymes, juices, and acids.
5. Self-Massage
Example 1: Liver Exercise
This exercise massages the liver and gall bladder, toning and cleansing these organs, helping digestion. It helps cope with abdominal wind and assists digestion.
Method: Place the heel of the right hand on the right side of the body under the rib cage, and just above the hip bone. The fingers should point straight across the body. Pressing firmly, move the hand slowly across the body to the middle of the abdomen; you should end up with the heel of the hand over the navel.
Repeat this action 10-20 times.
Example 2: Stomach Exercise
This exercise is similar to the Liver Exercise, but is applied to the other side of the body. It benefits the digestion, the spleen, and the pancreas, as well as the stomach.
Method: Place the heel of the left hand between .
This is one way to allow the digestive system a well-deserved break. However, first-time fasters should try the process for a maximum of 24 hours. Remember always to drink plenty of fruit and vegetable juice during your fast. Plan your fasting for days when you will not be doing lots of hard physical work and can take plenty of rest.
One of the most important mechanisms of digestion, yet more often than not, the most forgotten! Chewing is the first stage of digestion. It not only physically breaks down foods, but signals the organs to secrete their digestive juices (pancreatic enzymes, stomach acids, etc.) in order to prepare for the incoming foods.
Combining food can work well for many people. Combining food involves the three main types of food/fuel, i.e., carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, rice), proteins (meats, dairy, nuts, soya) and fats (cooking oils, avocado). Experts think that one should not mix these types of food within one meal. For example, eat either carbohydrates alone or proteins alone, together with (non-starchy) vegetables or salad.
Colon cleansing and liver cleansing through the use of herbs, foods, and supplements benefits the whole digestive system. These are two of the most popular approaches to getting started with detox, and detox benefits every part of the body by helping remove toxins that otherwise slow down every organ and all body functions.
10. Herbs
Listed are herbs that are known to help the process of digestion. These herbs include, but are not limited to: Slippery Elm, Bayberry, Wild Yam, Cardamom, Cloves, Fennel, Ginger, and Cinnamon.
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