People have been, around the world, trying to control their baby’s gender since times forgotten. They want to raise the probability of the sex of the baby they are going to bear. People really want to believe that they have some control over whether they have a boy or a girl but some doubt if this is actually true. There is no doubt that there are methods that allow you a great deal of control over your baby’s sex. Some are more reliable than others. Women no longer have to rely solely on the serendipitous meeting of egg and sperm to get the son or daughter they’ve always wanted. Strides in reproductive science have revolutionized human conception, giving us more choices and control than our grandmothers ever imagined. Now, for example, a woman with the time, money and inclination can boost her odds of conceiving a daughter by a staggering 92 percent. A lot of people assume that gender selection is wrong. They think that it is wrong to tamper with the development of your child. However, science doesn’t always have to be involved. There are ways to control the gender of your child without using harmful procedures that might harm the child’s development or the health of the mother. You can select the gender of your child and you don’t have to harm your baby.
1. Preimplantation Genetic Haplotyping (PGH)
This is the most effective technique in sex selection. With nearly 100% accuracy and the ability to select not only sex but a healthy embryo makes it very popular. Though this is a costly and intensive method of sex selection that uses in vitro fertilization and does biopsies on the embryos before they are returned to the uterus. This may sound a lot like it’s predecessor, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), PGH has the ability to not only do gender selection and look for genetic diseases, but it can also test for diseases even if the specific genetic mutation is not known currently. The downside is this method is extremely controversial if used for gender selection and actually illegal in most countries because doctor removes cells from fertilized zygotes in a petri-dish and select them for xy or xx and kill the rest (equivalent to murder as many would say).
2.The Lunar Method
Dr. Jonas studied the Babylonian saying, “Woman is only fertile during a certain phase of the moon.” With this quote and his background in astrology and studies on thousands of women he observed through gynecology, he determined that women are fertile at the same phase of the moon under which they were born. Plus, he figured out Yin and Yang phases of the fertility cycle, which relate to the twelve signs of the Zodiac. If conception occurs on the moon’s Yin time, a girl is conceived, whereas Yang produces boys.
3. Opposites Attract Method

According to Selnas, in 1933, two Russian Scientists, Koltzoff and Schroeder, discovered that it was possible to differentiate x-chromosome sperm from y-chromosome sperm by the electrical charge they emitted. Later, scientists discovered the ovum also gives off an electrical charge. Since the charges of x-sperm (-) and y-sperm (+) are invariable, and one of the fundamental laws of electricity states that while opposite charges attract, like charges repel, how can it be, then, that an ovule is able to attract both x- and y- sperm, which have different charges? It was concluded that the ovule must be capable of alternating its charge so as to attract x-bearing chromosomes at one time, and y-bearing chromosomes at another. This discovery had huge ramifications in terms of gender selection. Schoun, from many observations in humans and cattle, created a formula based on the female’s chemistry, to determine how her egg would be charged and when. He created a chart of dates for all applying customers for $400 a year. They would then use the chart to try for a son or daughter. Selnas claims an 87% success rate for their method.
4. Albumin Method
Dr. Ericsson PhD, is an American scientist who developed the Albumin Method while conducting research in Berlin, Germany. With Ericsson, the sperm is filtered through albumin and then an intrauterine insemination (IUI) is done with the sample. While the sample doesn’t provide you with more of one particular sex, like a MicroSort® sample, it does help select the sex of the baby. For a girl, Clomid® is used since it has been shown to increase the number of girls.
5. MicroSort®
In general any sperm sample should be about 50% girl sperm and 50% boy sperm. The intent of the MicroSort® process is to increase that percentage. It is not possible at this point to have a 100 pure sample of either male or female sperm. The MicroSort® process sorts sperm by male and female by a process that measures differences in the DNA. The sperm sample is run through a flow cytometer to separate the female and male sperm. This is possible because the female sperm (X) have about 3 more DNA material than the male sperm (Y). Then using an intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) the enriched sample of sperm is used to help you conceive. About 92% of those attempting for a girl do conceive a girl, while the success rates for sex selection and boys using MicroSort® is lower at 81%.
6. Lydia Pinkham’s Method
During July 2003, discussion on several boards began about the posibility that taking Lydia Pinkham’s Herbal Compound, an herbal dietary supplement, could favor conceiving a daughter. Lydia Pinkham’s Herbal Compound was originally the famous Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, a patent medicine tonic used to treat “female complaints” and infertility in the Victorian age. Lydia Pinkham’s tonic made her rich and famous, and her story is quite interesting. Black cohosh and other LP ingredients may balance estrogen levels (lower estrogen levels if you are estrogen dominant, or raise it if you are low in estrogen). Some believe that low-estrogen levels make it likely to conceive a girl, and women who are estrogen dominant (higher estrogen levels than progesterone) are more likely to conceive a boy.
7. Timing & Frequency of Intercourse
In order to increase the chances of having a boy, you should have sex no earlier than 24 hours before ovulation to 12 hours after ovulation. Intercourse closer to ovulation the faster but less robust Y (boy) sperm. The cervical mucus present at ovulation is less acidic and “slippery” enough to help the Y (boy) sperm reach the egg more quickly. Delaying the intercourse after all signs of ovulation have passed over 12 hours can however favor those who want a girl.
8. Orgasms
When trying to conceive a boy, the multiple orgasms during sex are a good thing for those who want a baby boy as the body produces substances after orgasm that makes the vaginal environment more alkaline, which favors the “boy” sperm. The contractions which accompany an orgasm help move the sperm up and into the cervix, giving the “boy” sperm an extra chance at being available when your egg is available for fertilization.
9. Sexual Position
Various sex positions and habits can favor one gender over another. If you are trying to conceive a boy, deep penetration from your partner, preferably with the “doggy style” position, will deposit the sperm closer to the cervix giving the more aggressive and quicker moving “boy” sperm a head start to fertilizating the egg first. To conceive a girl the man needs to have shallow penetration. That means typically having sex in the missionary position. This keeps the sperm farther from the egg then other positions, and that is key in trying to conceive a girl. The X chromosomes are hearty sperm and very resilient. They live longer then Y chromosomes but also swim slower. For that reason you want them to have an edge over the faster swimming boy sperm and making them have to swim farther ensures that they will outlive the males to get to the egg.
10. Diet
There’s no question that you can and should control what you can when it comes to the father’s diet. Healthy foods can contribute to healthy sperm. But in terms of choosing an acidic or alkaline diet, this is best accomplished with the woman or mother to be. These changes can have an affect on whether the couples conceives a boy or a girl. Scientists believe that the woman’s diet influences the PH of her reproductive tract. Y chromosome gametes thrive in an alkaline environment, whereas x chromosome gametes prefer an acidic environment. Eat lots of vegetables and fish if you desire a girl. For a boy, they should eat lots of meat, sodium and eggs, a protein-based diet. The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science, shows a link between higher energy intake around the time of conception and the birth of sons. But remember; eating a well balanced diet is imperative for a healthy pregnancy.
Helpful Girl Hints
- Have sex in the afternoon, rather than at night.
- Woman has an orgasm first.
- Only have marital relations on the even days of the month to have a baby girl.
- Woman initiates sexual relations.
- Woman on top or dominate positions. (Sitting or laying.)
- Have sex during the full moon.
- Use the Chinese Gender Chart to help you decide when to conceive.
Helpful Boy Hints
- Wear boxers to cool the temperature of the scrotum. (This is typically seen as a generic fertility tip.)
- Man has an orgasm first.
- Only have marital relations on the odd days of the month to have a baby girl.
- Man initiates sexual relations.
- Man on top or dominate positions. (Sitting or laying.)
- Have sex standing up.
- Use the Chinese Gender Chart to help you decide when to conceive.
- Have sex at night.
- Avoid sex during the full phase of the moon as well as the new moon, aim for a quarter moon.
Good Luck :)
That is so cool.Liked your article since there are information on process of select baby gender uses. Me and my husband were planning on getting pregnant with our choice of the gender of the baby. So we needed the information related to this. Thank you so much. ^_^