Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Pros and Cons of Hair Removal Methods


One of the most common methods, and contrary to popular belief, shaving doesn't cause hair to grow more quickly.

Pros: Minimal risk, Almost no cost, Fast, Convenient
Cons: Fast regrowth, Stubble regrowths may appear coarser
Lasts: Approximately 1 day



The other most popular hair removal method.

Pros: Almost no cost, Satisfactory results
Cons: Tedious and painful for some
Lasts: 2 - 3 weeks

Waxing/ Sugaring

Hair is removed with together with its roots.
For hot waxes, a thin layer of the melted wax is applied to the skin. When it cools and hardens, it is removed, together with the hair that is trapped in the wax. Cold waxes are precoated with wax and applied to the skin, then quickly pulled off.

Sugaring is an alternative available for anyone whose skin reacts to wax with redness or bumps. For sugaring, the mixture in balled in the hand, flattened onto the skin and then quickly stripped away.

Pros: Low cost, Hair growth tends to reduce with time, Lasting effect
Cons: Tedious, May develop redness and bumps in some individuals
Lasts: 3 - 8 weeks



Chemical depilatories

Chemical depilatories come in gel, cream, lotion, and roll-on forms. They are applied over the area, left on for some minutes, and then washed away. They weaken the hair shafts by chemically dissolving the protein structure of the hair. Creams and foams containing thioglycolates are effective and safe if appropriately used. Follow directions and test on a small area first.

Pros: Low cost, Painless
Cons: May cause skin irritation in indivduals with sensitive skin
Lasts: 1 week


Permanent hair removal is achieved by killing the roots with electric current. 2 methods currently available are electrolysis performed with the needle epilator and the tweezer epilator.

In needle electrolysis, a fine wire is inserted into the hair follicle and an electric current destroys the hair follicle.
Tweezer epilators grasp the hair shaft and the electric current travels down the shaft to the root.

Pros: Semi-permanent to permanent results
Cons: Very expensive, Not very dependable
Lasts: Semi-permanent to permanent.

Laser hair removal

This causes a reduction in hair number and coarseness by damaging the hair root through heating by light. The laser light selectively absorbed by the follicle damages its functions and impairs its ability to generate new hair. A repeated series of treatments is usually required over time and people with darker hair and lighter skin usually respond best.

Pros: Semi-permanent to permanent results
Cons: Very expensive, May not produce satisfactory results for those with lighter hair or darker skin tones.
Lasts: Semi-permanent to permanent.


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