Monday, April 23, 2012

Stay Healthily, Stay Happily......

Essentially, there are 4 things we should monitor every day to make sure we are living healthily: whether we walked and were active(exercise); whether the amount of fruits and vegetables we ate are fresh produce; whether we got at least 15min of laughter and fun time for ourselves(relaxation); and whether we got enough grains, beans and other high-fiber foods. If you can say you did well on all 4, your day has been extremely healthy. But this doesn't apply if you spent the rest of the day say, drinking, smoking or eating junk foods.

Secondly,our sleepiness. There are 3 good ways to tell if we're not getting enough sleep. First, do we require an alarm clock to wake us up mostly every morning? Second, do we become drowsy/sleepy in the afternoon to the point that it affects what we're doing? Third, do we doze off shortly after eating dinner? If your answer to any of these is yes, then you need more sleep. And if you're getting enough sleep for about 6-8 hours daily and still have these troubles, talk to your doctor about your low energy.

Check our blood pressure every 6 months with a home blood pressure monitor or at a clinic. If the top number is more than 140(130 if you have diabetes) and the bottom number is higher than 90(80 for diabetes), wait a day, then recheck again. If it's still high, you should make an appointment with the doctor. And also if you're over aged 40, you can request for a full cardiovascular screening assessment(for future heart attack and stroke risk) with your doctor. You can also request one if you're under aged 40 with a strong family history of heart attack or stroke. Blood cholesterol levels are just one of several factors that need to be measured and accessed, along with smoking status, blood glucose level, ECG results and blood pressure. Measuring cholesterol alone is not enough, as other risk factors may be missed; normal cholesterol levels do not necessarily mean that your overall cardiovascular risk is normal. Do ask for an advise at your doctor's surgery.

Balanced your diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and high-fiber foods. And spend at least 3-4 times a week of moderate exercise for optimal health. 

                             Stay Healthily, Stay Happily!

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