Sunday, October 6, 2013

The location of pimples on your face or body could relate to your health

The appearance and location of pimples often point to their cause. Identifying the cause of the problem will mean you can treat it appropriately. Regardless of the cause, the general skincare rules still apply – regular cleansing and moisturising, drinking plenty of water and eating healthily.

Here’s a general guide to what causes pimples in each location.

These are often the sign of a food intolerance such as dairy. Avoid milk, cheese, yoghurt, cream, butter, chocolate and processed foods that contain milk protein for a month to see if there is any improvement. The nutritional impact of eliminating or reducing dairy foods is not dire. After all, the majority of people on the planet have not traditionally eaten dairy products. However, if dairy is off the menu, you do need to ensure you are consuming sufficient protein and calcium from dairy-free sources such as nuts and seeds, tofu, green leafy vegetables and canned fish containing bones such as sardines and salmon.

Jawline, chest, back and shoulders
These cyst-like pimples are most likely hormonally triggered. Hormonal imbalances take time to resolve but you should see improvement in four to six weeks. Vitex agnus castus, zinc and vitamin B6 all help to balance hormones. Evening primrose oil is an anti-inflammatory for the skin and helps regulate hormones. Take at least 4g daily.

These reflect poor digestion or constipation. Drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly and taking a fibre supplement such as chia seeds or psyllium husks should help.

Clusters of small pimples surrounded by red
These can  signify a localised infection just under the skin. Removing sugar from your diet will help, in addition to taking blood-purifying herbs such as echinacea, burdock, calendula and clivers. If sugar is the culprit, and you have eliminated sugar from your diet and still have sweet cravings, take a supplement for improving sugar metabolism. These usually combine various vitamins and herbs such as gymnema together with chromium. Take one with each meal.

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