Friday, March 8, 2013

ABS Exercise to make you "Scream"


The pike is performed with the help of a stability ball and done in a face-down position. To begin, place your hands on the floor and tops of your feet on the ball. Your body should be in a push-up position at this point with your arms, back and legs straight and abs already contracted. Keeping your legs and arms straight, roll the ball inward toward your head as you raise your hips in the air. Do this in a steady motion and stop when your body forms an inverted angle. The tips of your toes should be on the top of the ball at this point. Hold for a second, slowly roll the ball back out and repeat. If this doesn't make your abs scream, perform the exercise one leg at a time.

Dragon Flag

Dragon flags require a sturdy weight bench. To begin, lie face-up with your hands wrapped underneath the sides of the bench behind your head. Keeping your head and neck down on the bench, raise your legs and body in the air so that your toes point toward the ceiling. Slowly lower your body down and stop when you are at an angle to the bench. You will have to forcefully contract your abs at this point to maintain your position. Rise back up and repeat.

Wheel Rollout

An ab wheel is a small fitness tool that has a rubber wheel and handle going through the center. A rollout exercise requires balance and extreme core strength. To begin, hold the handle with one hand on each side of the wheel and stand with your feet together. Lower the wheel to the floor and maintain straight arms, legs and a straight back as you roll the wheel forward on the floor. Once your body is about parallel to the floor and your arms are fully extended, roll yourself back up and repeat.

Wicked Wipers

Wicked wipers also are known as windshield wipers and are performed while hanging from a pull-up bar with your hands about shoulder-width apart. To begin, lean back as you lift your legs and raise them toward your body. Stop when your lower shins are close to the bar and your feet are above it. Your goal is to get your torso parallel to the floor. Keeping your upper body as still as possible, lower your legs down to your right side. Raise them back up, move them down to your left side and continue to alternate back and forth.



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