Saturday, July 7, 2012 !!

We're seeing more than our fair share of heat waves during the hotter months. And no thanks to global warming, the temperatures are continuing to soar, making heat exhaustion a very real health threat. Here, how to protect yourself from the harsh weather? Try to follow these tips to beat the heat.

Drink plenty of fluids

Stay hydrated to prevent heat exhaustion. Plain ol' H2O is still the best for replenishing the fluids lost when your body perspires, but drinks like juices and milk can also contribute to the total amount of water intake you need each day. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks, though, as they are diuretics.



Stay out of the sun

Avoid outdoor activities during the sun's peak hours of 11am and 4pm whenever possible.

- Schedule your shopping trips in the evening.
  Do your shopping, run errands, and buy
  your groceries in the late afternoon or at night.
- Exercise indoors at home or at the gym instead
  of outdoors.
- Stash an umbrella at your office and use it everyday
  when you're going out for lunch.

Get clever with the A/C

Cranking up the air-conditioning is the quickest way to cool down, but it's also energy-guzzling. You'll be doing your part in the green movement with these more energy-efficient tips to cool down:
- Install more fans at home to keep cool and ventilate the room
  -- a fan consumes far less energy (less than a tenth) than the A/C.
- Set the A/C temperature at about 25 degrees -- the lower the
  temperature, the more energy used.
- Clean and replace air-conditioning filters regularly to keep your
  A/C working efficiently.
- Head down to your nearby shopping complex or community library
  to take advantage of the shared air-conditioning there.

Dress cool

Beat the heat by wearing lightweight, light-colored clothing made from natural, breathable fabric like cotton and linen to allow perspiration to evaporate and your body to cool naturally. Also opt for loose-fitting clothes rather than tight to aid air circulation and prevent excessive heat retention.

Splash out, cool down

Water's one of the best ways to cool your body on a hot day. Some refreshing ideas to try:

- Take a cool shower or a long soak in the tub.
- Head down to the local swimming pool for a dip.
- Freeze water in bottles or glasses and sip as
  they melt.
- Fill a spray bottle with cold water and spritz on your
  face and neck throughout the day.

Down the heat factor at home

During the day, avoid using home appliances that generate extra heat or leave you feeling over-heated when using them -- think ovens, stoves, the iron or leaving unnecessary lightings on. Save them for the evenings instead.


More health tips to note

To keep your and your family safe during a heat wave, bear these things in mind:
- Never leave children or pets in a parked car.
- Make sure to check on eldery relatives
  and  neighbors as they're more vulnerable to
  heat exhaustion and heat wave-related illnesses.

- Wear sunscreen of at least SPF 15, sunglasses,
  a wide-brimmed hat, or umbrella or protect
  your face and head when you're heading outside.


Chill out with icey treats

Cool down with an ice-cold snack or dessert on a sweltering day. Try ice-cream, yogurt, frozen fruits, or a cold glass of club soda with lemon slices. Or try this watermelon-lemonade spritzer recipe:
- Cut 3 pounds of seedless watermelon into chunks.
- In a blender, puree watermelon in batches until smooth.
- Pour into a pitcher and stir in 12 ounces pink lemonade
  concentrate. Cover  and refrigerate.
- To serve, fill glasses with 1/2 cup of the watermelon mixture,
  and top with chilled seltzer and ice cubes.

Cold enough? Hope you are.....

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