1. Breathe easy
Avoid excessive perspiration by making wiser outfit choices. Ditch form-fitting styles and opt for light-coloured, loose-fitting, breathable outfits with good ventilation.
2. Eat wise
Spicy foods cause what is known as ‘gustatory sweating’, which causes the face to perspire. It’s thought to be a side effect of salivating and designed as a way to cool your skin. There’s one easy way to avoid this kind of reaction – ditch the chillies for good!
3. Avoid alcohol
When you drink, you’ll probably notice your skin takes on a pinkish glow. That’s because alcohol widens the blood vessels underneath your skin, making them appear pinker. It also increases your body temperature, making you sweat more.
4. Dodge the sun
It seems obvious: the sun makes you hot, so avoiding it makes you sweat less. Yet people still venture out into the midday sun where they quickly dehydrate and end up soaking their clothes. Be wise and avoid the hottest parts of the day.
5. Cool down
When you feel yourself perspire, take swift action to cool down – whether that’s jumping into a pool, taking a cold shower or fanning yourself to bring your temperature down a few degrees.
6. Towel off
If you’re prone to sweating, it’s wise to bring a hand towel out with you; particularly while exercising or staying out in the sun. Okay, so it won’t stop you perspiring, but it may just save your blushes.
7. Chill out
It’s not just the sun that can turn you into a sweaty heap; stress also triggers perspiration. Take time to chill out, whether that means a day of pampering or heading to a yoga class. Just remember to avoid bikram yoga!
8. Cut caffeine
Don’t panic! You don’t have to cut out your morning latte altogether; just remember that caffeine is a stimulant, which kicks the nervous system into life and increases the amount you sweat. If you need your caffeine fix, make sure you’re in an air-conditioned environment or can hop in the shower afterwards.
9. Slash the salt
Eating junk foods packed full of sodium can make you a heavy sweater. The reason? The body tries to expel excess salt through sweating, so eating too much salt will leave you sweaty and dehydrated.
10. Be prepared
An easy and effective solution to keep underarms dry is to use a clinical strength deodorant to provide extra protection.
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