Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You're possible with these advanced yoga poses

Certain fitness feats, such like finishing a 10-K in less than an hour or busting out 20 real-deal pushups will earn you instant respect. In yoga, holding a handstand (without the help of a wall) or bending your body in half (backward) is a quick way to stand out as a badass.

First, find your starting point - the step you can pull off comfortably with proper form. Once you can hold that for five full breaths, move to the next stage. But don't rush it: How fast you advance depends on your body's individual strengths.

1. Handstand (Adho-Mukha Vrksasana)
This pose strengthens your shoulders, arms, core, and legs. As you work toward it, keep three things in mind: Rotate your triceps toward your body, keep your neck relaxed, and gaze just slightly past your fingertips.

The Buildup
Phase 1
Stand with your back and heels against a wall. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor a few feet in front of you, raising your hips and straightening your legs to come into downward-facing dog (an inverted V). Place your right foot flat on the wall so your leg is straight and your thigh is parallel to the floor. Brace your core, then slowly place your left foot next to your right. With both legs straight, shift your weight so that your shoulders are directly over your wrists (you'll be in an L shape). Hold, then bend your knees and slowly lower one foot to the floor at a time.

Phase 2
Repeat phase 1, then lift your right leg off the wall, lifting your heel toward the ceiling while keeping your hips and toes square to the wall. Your left leg is still parallel to the floor, with your foot flat on the wall. Hold, keeping your core tight, arms straight, and neck relaxed, then slowly bring your right foot back to the wall and switch legs. To release, bring both feet back to the wall, bend your knees, and slowly lower one foot at a time.

Phase 3
Face the wall and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor about 10 inches away from it. Get into downward-facing dog, then walk your feet in a few inches, stacking your shoulders over your wrists. Brace your core and slowly raise your left heel toward the ceiling, leg straight. Keep your hips square, arms straight, and neck relaxed. Hold, gazing toward your fingertips, then lower your leg and switch sides.

The Finale
Start in downward-facing dog with your hands shoulder-width apart and legs straight. Walk your feet forward, shifting your weight onto your hands and stacking your shoulders over your wrists. With your arms straight and core tight, lift your right leg toward the ceiling, keeping your hips square. Bend your left knee and gently hop to raise your left leg toward the ceiling, bringing your hips over your shoulders. Hold, then slowly come down one leg at a time.
2. King Dancer (Natarajasana)
Practicing this move—at any phase—stretches your shoulders, quads, and hip flexors and improves your balance. Using a strap will make it easier than you think. To stay steady, focus on a spot on the ground in front of you.

The Buildup
Phase 1
Stand on your right leg, knee slightly bent. Bend your left knee to lift your foot off the ground. Loop a strap under the top of your left foot and hold the strap with your left hand behind you. Bend your left elbow so it's pointing toward the ceiling; the strap will bend your left knee and pull your foot up. Hold, then release and switch legs.

Phase 2
Start in phase 1, then raise your right arm to grab the strap behind your head. Push your left foot away from your body and into the strap, pulling your shoulder blades down and elbows together. Hold, trying not to lean forward, then release and switch legs.

Phase 3
From phase 2, walk your hands down the strap, moving as close to your foot as you can. Press your shin bone away from you to elevate the thigh. Keep your chest lifted. Hold, then release and repeat with the other leg.

The Finale
From phase 3, move your hands down the strap and grab your foot with both hands. Draw your knee toward the center of your body so it's in line with your butt. Press your foot into your hand until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your chest up, hips square, and upper arms close to your ears. Hold, then release and switch sides.
3. Side Plank B (Vashistasana B)
The classic plank gets a gorgeous face-lift as you strengthen your core (with special attention to your obliques) and tone your shoulders, legs, and glutes. But this pose tends to scare off people with tight hamstrings and hips.

The Buildup
Phase 1
Start in a pushup position. Keeping your core engaged, shift your weight onto your left arm and foot. Rotate your torso, stack your right foot on top of your left, and raise your right arm toward the ceiling. Look up at your right hand, and hold. Slowly return to a pushup position; repeat on the other side.

Phase 2
From phase 1, bend your right knee and place your foot on the upper thigh of your left leg (you can assist your leg with your hand), toes pointing toward your left foot. Raise your right arm as you push your left inner thigh into the sole of your right foot to keep your hips lifted. Hold, release, and repeat on the other side.

Phase 3
From phase 2, reach your right arm toward your right foot (keeping your arm on the inside of your leg), and grab your big toe. Gently extend your foot toward the ceiling, straightening your leg as much as you comfortably can. Hold, slowly release, and repeat on the other side.

The Finale
Starting in phase 3, draw your shoulder blades back and down and extend your right heel toward the ceiling, straightening your leg as much as possible. Press the outside of your left foot and palm into the mat and keep your core tight. Hold, then slowly release and switch sides.
4. Crow (Bakasana)
Mastering this pose builds arm, shoulder, and core strength—not to mention better posture and killer confidence!

The Buildup
Phase 1
Lie faceup on the floor and hug your knees into your chest. Hold your shins with both arms and lift your forehead toward your knees. Hold for three breaths. Then spread your knees hip-width apart and bring your arms between your legs, reaching them toward the ceiling, wrists flexed. Draw your heels toward your butt as you round your upper back.

Phase 2
Lower into a deep squat and walk your hands out until your arms are fully extended. Bow your head toward the floor, shifting your tailbone toward your heels to round your back.

Phase 3
Stand on a yoga block and open your knees wide as you squat down. Place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart in between your legs, bringing your knees as close to your armpits as possible, and rise onto your toes. Gaze forward and bend your elbows back so they're stacked directly over the heels of your hands. Hold here or practice raising one foot at a time.

The Finale
Sit into a deep squat, place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor, and walk your feet toward your hands. Slowly shift your weight forward onto your hands, bending your elbows and bringing your knees onto your upper arms, as close to your armpits as possible. Tighten your abs, round your upper back, then gaze forward as you raise your feet off the floor. Hold, then slowly set your feet back down.
Happy & Safe practising, it is advise to warm up your body before practising every poses. Please don't force yourself to insist of doing any poses which you really cannot do, "forcing" may injured yourself.

                                                           Namaste !


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