Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Habits Of Happily & And Healthfully Couples

People who are married lead healthier lives and live longer. But what's the secret of happily (and healthfully) hitched couples? It boils down to the healthy habits they share and rub off on each other. Here are four to cultivate -- as a couple.

1. Eat healthy as a couple

For many folks, marriage and weight gain go hand-in-hand.
The reason: Living together means sharing most things, including food supply. If one of you fills the fridge with unhealthy junk food, the other is going to eat it too. And if you watch what you eat, your habits can motivate your husband to do the same. Here are some ideas to spring-clean your diet to encourage healthy eating:

Get rid of the unhealthy stuff
Eliminate junk food from your home.

Get more fresh produce
Stock up on fresh fruits that you can grab for a quick bite.

Make your own meals
Eat at home more often than you eat out and opt for healthier cooking methods to prepare your meals, such as baking or steaming instead of frying.

Buy single-portion snacks
The occasional treats are fine and keep you from feeling deprived -- just buy snacks in single-servings instead of family packs.

2. Stay active as a couple

Recruiting your partner as your exercise buddy gives you quality couple time while you move those muscles. By leading an active lifestyle, you'll stay fit, keep your weight in check and reduce your risk for weight-related health problems.

Do plan physical activities that you'll enjoy together -- whether it's a routine of evening walk, biking through your neighborhood, or a tennis match -- so you're more likely to stick to it.

3. Support as a couple

Spouses can be each other's strongest pillars of support to help us cope with stress in a positive way. The benefits aren't just emotional, but physical, too: Going home to a supportive spouse brings down blood pressure elevated by a bad day at work.

So spend time with your guy to dish positive encouragements as well as nurture your bond. Make time for couple talk everyday -- no matter how busy you are -- to ensure you stay on top of each other's lives.

4. Resolve conflicts as a couple

ASAP and calmly. Nasty spats are only going to make things worse, and marriages that are filled with chronic fights and discord carry health hazards by creating a high-stress environment.

All couples disagree -- it's how they disagree that makes the difference. You can get angry, but it's important to talk without fighting.

The best thing you can do is to work out a resolution together calmly:

Cool off
Choose a time when you can return to the argument with less emotion -- ideally within 24 hours.

Don't assume
That you know what is he thinking or feeling -- let him have a chance to explain his point of view. And request that he do the same.

Find a middle ground
Recognize you're in a partnership and look for a compromise. This isn't about "winning" or "losing".

Move on
If he has done something that upsets you, you need to learn to forgive and move on. Brooding over past issues is only going to get in the way of intimacy.

info from :

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You're possible with these advanced yoga poses

Certain fitness feats, such like finishing a 10-K in less than an hour or busting out 20 real-deal pushups will earn you instant respect. In yoga, holding a handstand (without the help of a wall) or bending your body in half (backward) is a quick way to stand out as a badass.

First, find your starting point - the step you can pull off comfortably with proper form. Once you can hold that for five full breaths, move to the next stage. But don't rush it: How fast you advance depends on your body's individual strengths.

1. Handstand (Adho-Mukha Vrksasana)
This pose strengthens your shoulders, arms, core, and legs. As you work toward it, keep three things in mind: Rotate your triceps toward your body, keep your neck relaxed, and gaze just slightly past your fingertips.

The Buildup
Phase 1
Stand with your back and heels against a wall. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor a few feet in front of you, raising your hips and straightening your legs to come into downward-facing dog (an inverted V). Place your right foot flat on the wall so your leg is straight and your thigh is parallel to the floor. Brace your core, then slowly place your left foot next to your right. With both legs straight, shift your weight so that your shoulders are directly over your wrists (you'll be in an L shape). Hold, then bend your knees and slowly lower one foot to the floor at a time.

Phase 2
Repeat phase 1, then lift your right leg off the wall, lifting your heel toward the ceiling while keeping your hips and toes square to the wall. Your left leg is still parallel to the floor, with your foot flat on the wall. Hold, keeping your core tight, arms straight, and neck relaxed, then slowly bring your right foot back to the wall and switch legs. To release, bring both feet back to the wall, bend your knees, and slowly lower one foot at a time.

Phase 3
Face the wall and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor about 10 inches away from it. Get into downward-facing dog, then walk your feet in a few inches, stacking your shoulders over your wrists. Brace your core and slowly raise your left heel toward the ceiling, leg straight. Keep your hips square, arms straight, and neck relaxed. Hold, gazing toward your fingertips, then lower your leg and switch sides.

The Finale
Start in downward-facing dog with your hands shoulder-width apart and legs straight. Walk your feet forward, shifting your weight onto your hands and stacking your shoulders over your wrists. With your arms straight and core tight, lift your right leg toward the ceiling, keeping your hips square. Bend your left knee and gently hop to raise your left leg toward the ceiling, bringing your hips over your shoulders. Hold, then slowly come down one leg at a time.
2. King Dancer (Natarajasana)
Practicing this move—at any phase—stretches your shoulders, quads, and hip flexors and improves your balance. Using a strap will make it easier than you think. To stay steady, focus on a spot on the ground in front of you.

The Buildup
Phase 1
Stand on your right leg, knee slightly bent. Bend your left knee to lift your foot off the ground. Loop a strap under the top of your left foot and hold the strap with your left hand behind you. Bend your left elbow so it's pointing toward the ceiling; the strap will bend your left knee and pull your foot up. Hold, then release and switch legs.

Phase 2
Start in phase 1, then raise your right arm to grab the strap behind your head. Push your left foot away from your body and into the strap, pulling your shoulder blades down and elbows together. Hold, trying not to lean forward, then release and switch legs.

Phase 3
From phase 2, walk your hands down the strap, moving as close to your foot as you can. Press your shin bone away from you to elevate the thigh. Keep your chest lifted. Hold, then release and repeat with the other leg.

The Finale
From phase 3, move your hands down the strap and grab your foot with both hands. Draw your knee toward the center of your body so it's in line with your butt. Press your foot into your hand until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your chest up, hips square, and upper arms close to your ears. Hold, then release and switch sides.
3. Side Plank B (Vashistasana B)
The classic plank gets a gorgeous face-lift as you strengthen your core (with special attention to your obliques) and tone your shoulders, legs, and glutes. But this pose tends to scare off people with tight hamstrings and hips.

The Buildup
Phase 1
Start in a pushup position. Keeping your core engaged, shift your weight onto your left arm and foot. Rotate your torso, stack your right foot on top of your left, and raise your right arm toward the ceiling. Look up at your right hand, and hold. Slowly return to a pushup position; repeat on the other side.

Phase 2
From phase 1, bend your right knee and place your foot on the upper thigh of your left leg (you can assist your leg with your hand), toes pointing toward your left foot. Raise your right arm as you push your left inner thigh into the sole of your right foot to keep your hips lifted. Hold, release, and repeat on the other side.

Phase 3
From phase 2, reach your right arm toward your right foot (keeping your arm on the inside of your leg), and grab your big toe. Gently extend your foot toward the ceiling, straightening your leg as much as you comfortably can. Hold, slowly release, and repeat on the other side.

The Finale
Starting in phase 3, draw your shoulder blades back and down and extend your right heel toward the ceiling, straightening your leg as much as possible. Press the outside of your left foot and palm into the mat and keep your core tight. Hold, then slowly release and switch sides.
4. Crow (Bakasana)
Mastering this pose builds arm, shoulder, and core strength—not to mention better posture and killer confidence!

The Buildup
Phase 1
Lie faceup on the floor and hug your knees into your chest. Hold your shins with both arms and lift your forehead toward your knees. Hold for three breaths. Then spread your knees hip-width apart and bring your arms between your legs, reaching them toward the ceiling, wrists flexed. Draw your heels toward your butt as you round your upper back.

Phase 2
Lower into a deep squat and walk your hands out until your arms are fully extended. Bow your head toward the floor, shifting your tailbone toward your heels to round your back.

Phase 3
Stand on a yoga block and open your knees wide as you squat down. Place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart in between your legs, bringing your knees as close to your armpits as possible, and rise onto your toes. Gaze forward and bend your elbows back so they're stacked directly over the heels of your hands. Hold here or practice raising one foot at a time.

The Finale
Sit into a deep squat, place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor, and walk your feet toward your hands. Slowly shift your weight forward onto your hands, bending your elbows and bringing your knees onto your upper arms, as close to your armpits as possible. Tighten your abs, round your upper back, then gaze forward as you raise your feet off the floor. Hold, then slowly set your feet back down.
Happy & Safe practising, it is advise to warm up your body before practising every poses. Please don't force yourself to insist of doing any poses which you really cannot do, "forcing" may injured yourself.

                                                           Namaste !


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

TV could makes you fat

For something that doesn't contain any calories, TV sure is "fattening". Every two hours spent in front of the television increases your risk of becoming obese by 23 percent. And that applies to all women regardless of physical activity levels. That means even if you exercise regularly, TV can be contributing to weight gain.

But how? It's the things that we do -- or don't do -- while watching TV that's largely responsible for the expanding waistline:

You become a couch potato
No news in that. You're basically laying around watching the tube rather than exercising. When you're inactive, you're not moving those muscles that will help raise your metabolic rate and burn more calories.

You eat more in front of the TV
People who watch television are also more likely to consume unhealthy snacks and drinks -- especially energy-dense snacks, drinks and fast food -- and eat less fruit and vegetables.

For some people, a substantial proportion of their daily energy intake is consumed whilst watching TV. If you have the habit of eating in front of the TV, television can also act as a distraction, resulting in a lack of awareness of actual food consumption or overlooking food cues that may lead to overconsumption.

You're tempted with junk food adverts
The commercials don't help either. Television viewers are exposed to numerous advertisements that can influence the type of food they desire and consume. The more you watch commercials promoting high-calorie high-fat foods, the more you're subconsciously primed to crave them. And the next thing you know, you're marching into the kitchen to grab a big bag of chips or a tub of Ben & Jerry's -- even when you're not really hungry.

Make TV less "fattening"

So if you love nothing more than watching the prime-time line-up, what can you do to make television less detrimental to your waistline? Here are some strategies:

Move more often. Multi-task as you're watching your show by doing lunges, squats or getting on the treadmill to burn extra calories. During commercial breaks, get up to move around, clean the dishes, water the plants, etc.

Don't eat your dinner in front of the TV. Practise 'mindful eating' by having your meals at the dining table and focus on eating without any distractions, so you can listen to your body's cues that you're full.

Have healthy snacks on hand. Make smarter snack choices at the supermarket by going for wholesome bites such as apples, celery sticks, raisins, berries and unsalted nuts. Don't buy fattening cookies, chips and ice-cream home, and you won't be tempted to reach for them when you watch TV.

Cut down on TV time. You don't have to give up on your favorite shows; just take a break on days when the programme has nothing interesting, and do something other than parking on the sofa -- like taking an evening stroll or catching up with an old friend.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The World's Most Religious Places

Whether you are someone who is religious or not, faith is something that people have had since the beginning of time. For some, religion is a major factor that dictates how they live. For others, it isn’t as serious. Below, we are going to show you where religious people spend their time as we talk about the top 10 most religious places on Earth.

1. The Karnak Temple Complex

Located in Egypt, this religious location began in 14th century BC. It was created by the pharaoh Ramses the second and has stuck around ever since. Every year, millions of people flock here to check out what happens to be one of the largest religious sites in the world. It is an area that is packed with sanctuaries and stone carved temples. There are forests of pillars here so it can really make for an exciting visit. If you’ve ever watched Transformers: Revenge of the fallen then you may have seen this religious location in the film.

2. Callanish Stones

These were built roughly in 2900 to 2600BC, around the same time that Stonehenge was being built. The legend has it that this religious location is the remains of a major Christianity worship center and there are even Callanish stones that you can touch. Upon visiting this religious location, you may be bombarded with tons of people. Every year, thousands upon thousands make the venture to this location to experience a once famous religious center.

3. The Ziggurat of Ur

While the name may sound a little odd, the Ziggurat of Ur happens to be one of the more famous religious places in the world. It was said to have been built in the second millennium BC and it contains several temples. The temples were said to have been built to resemble the Great Ziggurat of Ur. This religious location is in Iraq and it is definitely one of the better known wonders in the ancient religious world.

4. Pyramids of Teotihuacan

One of the greatest cities of the world also happens to have one of the most famous religious spots too. While nobody knows for sure who constructed it, it is very recognizable and very popular for both locals and tourists. The pyramids were mainly used as an area to conduct human and animal sacrifice. If you were ever to walk past this religious location, you would find it easy to believe that many great religious festivals were held here. The Pyramids of Teotihuacan are located near Mexico City, Mexico.

5. Delphi

Located in Greece, the Delphi has had a profound effect on the Western world. It was said to be a worship center for Apollo and it was considered sacred to most of the Greek city states. While the temple now lies in ruins, it was once very popular and it contains many shrines and temples to prove this. Back when it was constructed, it was a religious place where people could come and speak with a religious oracle that could provide them with “spiritual” advice. Today, it is still relatively popular in the religious community.

6. Borobudur

Borobudur is located in Indonesia and is a Buddhist structure that was actually lost for a long time until finally being discovered in the 19th century. To put this religious location into perspective, it is comprised of more than two million cubic feet of stone and contains about five hundred statues of Buddha. They are there so that worshipers can come in and prey with Buddha. The path itself probably covers a distance of about two miles and it is still very popular today.

7. The Ajanta Caves

These were constructed from 200BC to 600AD in India. Similar to the previous religious location, the Ajanta Caves was lost for centuries. It was finally discovered by a group of hunters in 1819. Basically, this religious location is comprised of about thirty-caves that have been richly decorated with religious artifacts and wall paintings. They are not masterpieces by any means but they do prove that this area used to be highly attractive for religious followers.

8. The Pantheon

Known as “All God”, the Pantheon was built in Rome and is probably one of the better preserved religious locations on the list. This temple was around for many years after being built way back in 126AD. In the 7th century, it was converted to adhere to the wants and needs of the Christian church. Today, it contains many religious symbols and items and many people still see this location as a “portal” to speak to God.

9. The Hypogeum

Located in Malta, the Hypogeum was originally constructed in 3500BC. It also happens to be the only example of an underground religious temple. It is a mix of natural caves that are brought together by walls and chambers. There is even an area of the Hypogeum called the “speaking chamber”. It is a room with rounded walls that was designed for religious speaking’s to the “holy one”. Visiting this religious location can be tricky since it is being protected. There are only about 80 people who are allowed to enter it per day.

10. Gobekli Tepe

The last religious location on our list is a primordial, man-made structure that is composed of over twenty circular structures that are spread throughout a hilltop. It is really a site to see and the remains that you see today are abstract designs and carved animals. You can see pictures of foxes, bird, scorpions, and even snakes on the walls. These were animals that were believed to have been sacrificed way back in tenth millennium BC when it was originally constructed. It is a very popular religious location that even those who aren’t religious should see.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Ways to beat your weight during your holiday

Guilty of overeating during the holidays? Well. here are 20 simple ways to beat weight gain.

1. Drink water. People often mistake thirst for hunger, so next time you feel like noshing, reach for water first. Drinking also helps you feel full. Some experts suggest sipping water (or iced tea) just before you sit down to a meal. Continue drinking as you eat to add volume and weight to your meal.

2. Set realistic goals. One or two pounds a week maximum is doable. Top weight-loss programs advocate stopping after the first five kilos and maintaining that loss for about six months before trying to lose any more.

3. Build in splurges. If you allow yourself to eat whatever you want for 2 meals out of every 21, you won't inflict enough damage to subvert your weight loss. And you'll feel less deprived.

 4. Count to 10. Studies suggest that the average craving lasts only about 10 minutes. So before caving in to your urge, set your mental timer for a 10-minute time-out. Use the time to tackle an item on your to-do list; choose one that will give you a sense of accomplishment -- and get you out of the kitchen.

5. Eat more often. People who have kept their weight off for more than a few years tend to eat an average of five times a day. Light, frequent meals curb your appetite, boost your energy, improve your mood and even speed your metabolism, since the process of digestion itself burns calories.

6. Make weekly resolutions. Don't try to overhaul your diet overnight. If you make too many changes at once, chances are you'll get frustrated and throw in the towel. Instead, make one change, such as eating at least one piece of fruit daily, every week.

7. Start with 10%. People who start by focusing on achieving just 10% of their long-range weight-loss goal may have the best chance of ultimate success. Losing those first pounds yields the biggest health gains, too, since belly fat is usually the first to come off and is the most dangerous.

8. Spike your meals with salsa. This spicy condiment can stand in for mayo to deliver plenty of flavour without the fat. Mix it with a bit of low-fat yogurt to make tuna salad. Spread it on a veggie burger, or serve it with chicken or fish.

9. Take one-third off. When you eat dinner out, reduce the temptation to clean your plate by setting aside one-third of your meal. Ask the server for a doggie bag, and take it home for lunch the next day. Try serving yourself one-third less at home too. This simple tactic could subtract more than 500 calories a day.

10. Go easy on the alcohol. Remember that alcohol is a source of calories. A 12-ounce beer has 150 calories; a 3.5-ounce glass of wine, 85. A margarita packs a bigger caloric punch. Even worse offenders are creamy cocktails, such as brandy alexanders and mudslides - equivalent to drinking a rich dessert. The bottom line: If you're trying to lose weight, stick with water.

11. Write notes to yourself. To help you stay on track, post notes to yourself on the fridge and the pantry. Put up a little stop sign or make tags with questions like "Do you want this food enough to wear it?" and "Are the calories worth the consequences?"

12. Stay away from sodas. Soft drinks are a major source of empty calories. We drink twice as much soda as milk and nearly six times more soda than fruit juice. But fluids don't satisfy your appetite as well as solids. A study at Purdue University found that when people were fed 450 calories daily as jelly beans or as soda, the soda drinkers gained a significant amount of weight, but the jelly-bean eaters compensated for the extra calories by cutting back on other food. So if you crave something sweet, you're better off chewing it than gulping it. If you're truly thirsty, reach for water or unsweetened iced tea instead of soda.

13. Don't just eat - dine. Eating on the run or in front of the tube invites mindless munching. Instead, set the table every time you eat. Make a conscious choice to sit down and savour every bite. Placing a portion of chips on your best china helps focus your attention so you don't eat the whole bag.

14. Up your protein (a little). Research suggests that protein prolongs the feeling of fullness better than carbohydrates or fats do. Studies in Scotland, Denmark, Sweden and England found that people who ate a high-protein breakfast or lunch were less hungry at their next meal. Protein also requires a few more calories to digest. Just don't go overboard. Stick to low-fat protein sources like low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, low-fat soy drinks or snacks, or thinly sliced turkey breast.

15. Learn how to measure. It's easy to misjudge portion sizes. Pull out the measuring spoons and cups, especially for full-fat salad dressings, dairy foods and mayo.

16. Make smart substitutions. Look for nutritious low-calorie alternatives to sugary, high-fat treats. Try frozen grapes instead of candy. Use air-popped popcorn instead of oil-popped. Dip fresh strawberries in fat-free fudge sauce for a sensuous chocolaty treat.

17. Have a "party plan." When attending a party, offer to bring a plate. Arriving armed with chopped fresh veggies and a low-fat dip -- or any other low-calorie snack -- ensures that you'll have something to snack on without feeling guilty.

18. Think positively. Experts note that low self-esteem is a major cause of overeating. Train yourself to focus on your best points rather than your weak spots. Buy clothes that fit and flatter you at your current weight. Update your hairstyle and get a makeup consultation so you feel attractive today.

19. Give yourself a break. No one says you have to reach your goal without making mistakes along the way. Tell yourself you can succeed in losing weight by taking things one step at a time and starting fresh whenever you slip up. If you overeat one night, just get back on track in the morning by focusing on what's worked for you in the past.

20. Relax! Some people binge when they're stressed. A Yale University study found that women who secreted the most cortisol (a hormone released during stress) ate the most high-fat food after stress. The combination of cortisol and insulin prompts the body to store fat in preparation for possible starvation -- just what you don't need. If stress has a stronghold on your life, try learning yoga, meditation, or simple breathing exercises.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Unexpected Uses of Nail-Polish Remover

Do you know that your nail-polish remover has other usage other than remove your nail colors?

Eliminate ink stains
If the ink stains on your skin won’t come off with soap and water, they are probably not water-soluble. Try using nail polish remover instead. Take a cotton ball and wipe the affected areas with the solution. Once the ink stains are gone, wash skin with soap and water. Nail polish remover can also eliminate ink stains on the drum of your clothes dryer.

Rub paint off windows
Spare your nails the next time you want to remove paint on a window. Working in a well-ventilated area, dab on nail polish remover in small sections. Let the solution remain on the painted areas for a few minutes before rubbing it off with a cloth. Once finished, take a damp cloth and go over the areas again.

Remove stickers from glass
Scraping price stickers from glass objects can be messy, and it often leaves behind a gummy adhesive that attracts dirt and is sticky to the touch. Remove the stickers and clean up the residual glue by wiping the area with acetone-based nail polish remover. The same method can be used for removing stickers and sticky residue from metal surfaces.

Dissolve melted plastic
Ever get too close to a hot metal toaster with a plastic bag of bread or bagels? The resulting mess can be a real cleaning challenge. But don’t let a little melted plastic ruin a perfectly good appliance. Eliminate the sticky mess with nail polisher remover. First unplug the toaster and wait for it to cool. Then pour a little nail polish remover on a soft cloth and gently rub over the damaged areas. Once the melted plastic is removed, wipe with a damp cloth and dry with a paper towel. Your toaster is now ready for the next round of bagels. The same solution works for melted plastic on curling irons.

Unhinge superglue
Superglue will stick tenaciously to just about anything, including your skin. And trying to peel it off your fingers can actually cause skin damage. Instead, soak a cotton ball with acetone-based nail polish remover and hold it on the skin until the glue dissolves.

Clean vinyl shoes
Patent-leather shoes may not reflect up, but they do show off scuff marks, as will white or other light-colored vinyl shoes. To remove the marks, rub them lightly but briskly with a soft cloth or paper towel dipped in nail polish remover. Afterward, remove any residue with a damp cloth.

Keep watches clean
Tired of looking at your watch and seeing unsightly scratches when you check the time? Get rid of them with nail polish remover. If the face of your watch is made from unbreakable plastic, rub the remover over the scratches until they diminish or disappear.

Clean computer keyboards
You can keep computer keyboards clean with nail polish remover and an old toothbrush. Simply moisten the brush with remover and lightly rub the keys.

Dilute correction fluid
To take the goop out of correction fluid or old nail polish, dilute it with nail polish remover. Pour just a few drops into the bottle and then shake. Add a little more polish remover to the solution, if needed, to attain the desired consistency.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Keep money safe when you travel

Planning to go for a holiday this year end? Play it safe when you travel – here’s five quick tips for looking after your money while on holiday.

- Don’t have all your money, cards and ID in one place.

- Do take out only as much cash as you need for the day,
   and spread it around your person: in a money belt,
   a neck pouch inside your clothes, in hard-to-access pockets.

- Don’t flash your wallet around, especially in busy places.

Do carry your wallet or purse in the front pocket of your trousers: it’s
  almost impossible for a pickpocket to steal it from there.

- Do leave the rest of your cash at your hotel in a safebox. If there’s no safe,
  lock your cash in a suitcase.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Do You Know What Your Tongue Reveals About Your Health

The tongue is telling: Not just tales of gossip, but on your health too. Check out these signs and what they could mean:

Tongue Symptoms      What It Could Mean
Cracked tongue      Probable vitamin deficiency
Cracked coating of white      Digestive disorders
Grey or greyish-brown tongue      Stomach or intestinal problems
Red spots on tongue tip        Heart problems
Teeth marks at tongue edges      Probable mineral deficiency
White tongue with reddish border      Toxic colon
Yellow / yellow-green tongue      Liver or gallbladder problems
Yellow at the root      Kidney problems

Saturday, November 17, 2012

FREE Egg McMuffin on Breakfast Day at McDonalds Malaysia

McDonald's Restaurant Malaysia: FREE Egg McMuffin on Breakfast Day



Enjoy a Free Egg McMuffin from McDonald's Malaysia on 19th November 2012 in conjunction with McDonald's Breakfast Day !!!

19th November 2012 (Monday)
* One Day Only

All McDonald's Restaurant in Malaysia serving breakfast Menu (Check your outlet here)

Terms & Conditions:
- FREE Egg McMuffin is limited to first 1,000 customers per restaurant serving breakfast from 7am to 10am.
- Redemptions hour vary for different restaurant outlets.
- Only ONE Free Egg McMuffin per customer.
- NO COUPON or PURCHASE required.

About McDonald's Egg McMuffin:
Made with a Perfectly-cooked farm fresh egg, deli style smoked chicken roll & cheese toasted in English Muffin

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The "usage" of COFFEE

Here's how to use coffee after brewing and give new life to coffee grounds, cans, and the java itself.

Well ......

You can halt headaches!

A clinical trial in Illinois found that caffeine, which reduces the swelling of blood vessels, can reduce both the intensity and frequency of headaches. Subjects in one group were given caffeine alone, and 58 percent reported complete relief. Subjects in the other group were given caffeine in combination with ibuprofen, and 70 saw symptoms disappear.

You can fix furniture!

Is that small crack, nick, or gouge all you can see each time you look at your dark wood dresser? Reach for the instant coffee. Mix 2-3 tablespoons with just enough water to make a thick paste; for wood with red tones, add a few drops of iodine. Put the paste on a small putty knife or a disposable plastic knife and use it to fill the crack. Remove any excess around the edges with a barely damp cloth. Let the paste dry completely, then buff with furniture wax.

You can clean your car!

To keep your car smelling fresh and clean, place a small open container filled with freshly ground coffee beans where it won't get knocked over. The grounds will absorb any strong odors you bring into the car—the smell of fast food, for example.

You can speed up your composting!

Pour on coffee (or tea, or non-diet cola) to increase the bacterium population and help both soil and compost break down faster.

You can grill your food!

Turn a coffee can into a grill by cutting some holes into the metal bottom and a "moderate size" triangle into the top. Flip the can upside down and throw some kindling—dry pine needles, for example—into that triangular space and light. Once the metal bottom is heated up, add meat and veggies.

You can fertilize your plants!

It isn't the caffeine in coffee grounds that plants like azaleas and rosebushes and evergreens love but rather the acidity and aeration the grounds provide—not to mention nitrogen, phosphorous, and trace minerals. Just be sure to dig the grounds into the soil to keep them from becoming moldy. But don't overdo it: Dig about 3/4 cup of grounds into the soil near the roots, repeating once a month. Fertilizing even acid-loving plants with coffee grounds too frequently could increase soil acidity to undesirable levels.

You can eliminate pet odors!

Some pet owners have found they can remove pet odors from a room by heating a cupful of freshly ground coffee beans in a cast-iron skillet over low heat. As soon as the scent is released, remove the pan to the smelly room and set it on a trivet. By the time the ground beans are cool, much of the pet odor should be gone.

You can clean your face!

You can exfoliate your skin with coffee grounds. Rub the moist grounds in gently to get rid of dead skin, then rinse.

You can bake bread!

Caught without cookware? A quick bread will bake just fine in a coffee can. Be sure to spray the interior with nonstick cooking spray and dust with flour.

You can get glossier hair!

Applying "extra-strong" coffee to your hair while it's dry and clean will make it shinier. Keep the coffee in for about 20 minutes, then rinse. Repeat for seven days to get the best results.

You can keep cords under control!

What are the holidays without strings of lights, and what are fresh-out-of-storage cords of lights if not tangled? Grab an empty coffee can and its lid. First, slice the plastic lid of the can with a sharp knife and insert one end of the cord. Then wrap the cord of lights around the can, taping the end to the can to keep everything in place. Before putting on the lid, fill the can with extra bulbs and an extension cord. No tangles, no misplaced accessories.

You can perk up your meat!

To give lamb stew a beautiful dark color and great flavor, add one cup of black coffee to the stew pot about halfway through the cooking process. You can also look up great dry rubs with coffee for beef, pork, and other meat dishes.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Deepavali Delight from Starbucks

Starbucks Coffee Festive Celebration: FREE Starbucks Drinks Giveaway

Enjoy FREE Starbucks Drinks from Starbucks Malaysia this festival of lights !!!

Free Starbucks Drinks:
1) Red Bean + Green Tea Frappuccino
2) Caramel + Tea Jelly Frappuccino

13th November 2012 (Tuesday)


Terms & Conditions:
- Only valid on Date & Time stated above.
- Only valid for redemption of 2 Grande beverage per transaction at Starbucks Malaysia.
- Applicable for all Starbucks Stores in Malaysia.
- Not valid for any other promotion / discount.
- No coupons required.

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Happy Diwali

Saturday, November 10, 2012


The vitamin C powerhouse we know as the lemon provides an astonishing number of beauty benefits, six of which are listed below.
*(One word of caution: lemons can cause skin to be extra-sensitive to sunlight, so don't expose yourself to the sun for too long after a skin treatment.)

Try it ......


1. Exfoliate dead skin and bring new skin to the surface by washing skin with lemon juice mixed with a little sugar.

2. Smooth wrinkles by boiling 1 cup milk, 2 teaspoons lemon juice and 1 tablespoon brandy. Cool the mixture to room temperature, apply and let dry before wiping it off.

3. Lighten age spots by dabbing them with lemon juice and rinsing off after 15 minutes. Repeat once later in the day.

4. Create a facial that both exfoliates and moisturizes by mixing the juice from 1 lemon with ¼ cup olive oil or sweet almond oil.

5. Fight dandruff with a daily scalp massage with 2 tablespoons lemon. Rinse with water and follow with a rinse of 1 cup water mixed with 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

6. Whiten and clean fingernails by soaking them in 1 cup lukewarm water and the juice of 1/2 lemon for 5 minutes, then rub the inside of the lemon peel against the nails.